Grade 11 Vocab Unit 3 Absolve - Venerate 20 WORDS
Word: Absolve Definition: to free/forgive from blame Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Layla’s sincere apology to her family absolved her from her wrongdoings.
Word: Agnostic Definition: one who believes the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Sally discussed her agnostic views about the existence of a god with her friends who wanted to know whether or not she believed in one.
Word: Attrition Definition: a gradual reduction Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The college has a high attrition rate from freshmen to senior year because many people are unsatisfied with the school and transfer over the four years.
Word: Cacophony Definition: a harsh mixture of sounds Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The class could not hear the teacher over the cacophony of sounds coming from the unpracticed band in the room next door.
Word: Comprise Definition: to consist of Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The school is comprised of students from Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville.
Cynic Definition: a person who deeply distrusts humans and humanity Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: After Alex Rodriquez made a large donation, cynics claimed it was to improve his reputation.
Word: Discreet Definition: cautious, careful Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Harry is a good person to tell a secret to because he is discreet about what he says regarding other people.
Word: Enigma Definition: mystery, something that is hard to figure out Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Joan is an enigma. It is hard to figure out what she thinks and feels about things going on around her.
Word: Fatalist Definition: someone who believes that humans have no power over what happens Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Kayla is a fatalist. She believes that she can do nothing to change what will happen to her.
Word: Heed Definition: to pay attention to Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The family wanted to go swimming but heeded the warning that the tide was dangerous and decided to go another day.
Word: Infamous Definition: disgraceful, known for a bad reputation Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Whitey Bulger is an infamous member of organized crime in Boston.
Word: Malfeasance Definition: an illegal act (usually by a public official) Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Rumors that the senator engaged in bribery with the government’s money spread like wildfire. His alleged malfeasance caused an uproar in the state.
Word: Nostalgia Definition: sentimental longing for the past Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Going back to BC football games gives Scott a sense of nostalgia for his college days.
Word: PEREMPTORY Definition: final, dictatorial Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: Final exam grades are peremptory; they cannot be changed.
Word: Profound Definition: deep Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Kevin’s profound and thoughtful comments during class discussion showed his understanding of the book.
Word: Refute Definition: to disprove/prove to be false Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Nobody can refute that Johnny Gaudreau of the BC Eagles was one of the best college hockey players. He won the Hobey Baker award and went on to play for the Calgary Flames.
Word: Salient Definition: notable, important, main Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: Writing and reading are two salient skills with which school should equip students.
Word: Subordinate Definition: lower in rank Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The army general gives orders to his lower ranking, subordinate soldiers.
Word: Tenet Definition: shared principle or belief Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Vegetarians promote the tenet that one should not eat meat.
Word: Venerate Definition: to honor/respect Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The awards banquet venerated athletes who also did well in school.