States of Matter Chapter 4-1
Four States of Matter The four most familiar forms of matter are 1. Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas 4. Plasma
Moving Particles Make Up All Matter Matter consists of tiny particles called atoms and molecules. These particles are always moving and bumping into one another.
The state of matter depends on how fast the particles are moving and how strongly they are attracted to each other.
SOLIDS 1. Particles are very close together. 2. They have a very strong attraction to each other. 3. Particles are still moving. 4. Can’t over come attraction to break away from each other.
Liquids Change Shape but Not Volume The particles in a liquid move fast enough to overcome some of the attraction between them. Particles in a liquid slide past one another until they take the shape of the container.
Gases Change Both Shape and Volume Atoms or molecules in a gas move fast enough to break away from one another. They have less attraction. The particles move independently, hitting each other. There is empty space between the particles. The amount of empty space can change.
PLASMA A state of matter in the universe, more than 99%, that does not have a definite shape or volume. It is made up of particles that have broken apart.
Different Properties Plasmas conduct electric current. Electric and magnetic fields affect plasmas. Natural plasma is found in lightning and fire.
The Four States of Matter The End The Four States of Matter