PNW Rooftop Unit Working Group - RTUG – Rooftop Unit Research Project Phase 4 August 12, 2010
RTUG Agenda :30-9:45: Introductions; Agenda Review; RTUG - A Look Ahead RTUG Work Plan Review 9:45-11:45 Bonneville-Cadmus RTU Research Work Results from BPA annually monitored RTUs Preliminary winter fan schedule persistence results Preliminary heat pump heating energy results Preliminary RTU gas-pack heating energy results Preliminary economizer results Preliminary annual signature Addition to the analysis protocol of min/max supply air temperatures Analysis improvements for minimum and economizer airflow analysis Preliminary error band observations Brief description: SAS data management/analysis tool 11:45-Noon Status: Regional RTU Research Results Databasehttp:// 12:00- 1:00pm Lunch 1:00-1:15 Web-enabled Thermostat Research: monitoring status Months data acquisition scenario 1:15-1:30 Energy Trust of Oregon RTU O&M Update 1:30-2:00 Premium Ventilation VSD Measurement Results: The Turn of the Screw… 2:00-2:45 Policy topics: a) RTU airflow service issues, b) measure persistence, c) measure life 2:45-3:30 Elements of Regional RTU Strategic Plan 3:30pm Adjourn [Breaks taken as needed]
RTU Research Outputs --for October 27 RTUG final meeting: Draft annualized savings methodology with separate characterizations of annual operation for summer and winter Data block interval analysis Recommendations regarding fan schedule persistence Site temperature vs. TMY data Additional persistence analysis Billing/signature analysis for selected sites Measure life implications from the data
RTUG Work Plan Actively promote collaboration within/outside the region on EM&V protocols, RTU efficiency research Review BPA research results and assist in drafting the proposed annualized savings methodology Assist in implementing the Regional RTU Research Results database – RRRR or R 4 database Lead the RTUG through a process to scope technical and related elements of a regional RTU Strategic Research Plan Identify options for equipment redesign, deeper retrofit and early replacement
Current RTUG Schedule NBI contract with NPCC/RTF through November RTUG meetings: – May 26 Aug 12 October 27 RTF Nov 2 Next steps…
RTU Strategic Plan Elements Technical Assessment Programmatic Advocacy/Collaboration
RTF to maintain functional data repository with open access. Add appropriate data sets and analytical results as available from Avista, Idaho Power, Puget Sound Energy, Premium Ventilation Project, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, BPA Web-enabled thermostat project, and others in and outside the region Develop a research scope/budget for establishing and extending a low cost monitoring protocol on a set of RTUs for up to 60 months. Candidates should chosen through operating RTU service programs – Track persistence of performance for all components; track maintenance costs – Whole building conditions and operating changes substantially documented – Active customer/HVAC contractor contact with education/training for both groups Develop a research scope/budget to establish RTU measure life values Reconciliation between modeling and metered result inputs to modeling Whole building data analysis Lower cost RTU field monitoring Premium Ventilation Package: Near-Term + Extended Function Testing and Analysis Economizer research program including DCV interaction Test of web-based RTU control and performance monitoring to determine impact on building operator schedule management using the monitoring information Improve DOE2/eQUEST RTU calculations Technical Assessment
Minimum air flow: - technical: field measurement & service protocol - building code requirement - program protocol - program benefit-cost issue Measure life: 6 th Plan = 18yrs comp/5 yrs O&M Operating (measure/system?) persistence: ? RTF RTU Challenges
Additional Measures Add economizers Controls: Premium Vent Package, other? Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) FDD/performance monitoring ECM/VSD Gear-driven economizer actuators Airflow/ventilation including outside air damper issue Other? Market Impacts/Transformation – Customer education – HVAC contractor/distributor education/training – Quality Installation/Quality Maintenance standards New RTU products: Lennox Energence, H80 Hybrid RTU Early RTU Retirement: What is the size of the regional benefit? Programmatic
ETO Tune-up Options (Office/Retail) 3 or 4 Ton Roof Top UnitIncentive Requirements 1Install new economizer with DCV controlsIncludes Economizer package, new O/A Sensor, new Two-stage Programmable Thermostat and DCV control, installed and set for maximum energy savings. 2Install economizer without DCV controlsIncludes Economizer package, new O/A Sensor installed and set for maximum energy savings. Existing Programmable Thermostat already has Two-stage cooling and is in working condition. DCV controls not warranted due to space occupancy. 5 thru 20 Ton Roof Top UnitIncentive Requirements 3Tune up unit with existing economizer with thermostat and sensor replacement. Replacement of existing economizer O/A sensor and thermostat that does not have two-stage cooling, or that is not programmable. Economizer must work properly after tune up as per Form 180TE checklist. (Damaged dampers, damper linkage and damper motors shall be fixed prior to tuning up if found non-functioning.) 4Tune up unit with existing economizer with sensor replacement only. Replacement of existing economizer O/A sensor only and performing services per Form 180TE checklist. (Damaged dampers, damper linkage and damper motors shall be fixed prior to tuning up if found non-functioning.) 5Add DCV control to unit w/ existing economizerAdd-on DVC control, CO2 sensor, controller where necessary, and O/A sensor. Economizer must be operational and tuned up. Assumes existing thermostat is functioning and no new thermostat is needed. (Damaged dampers, damper linkage and damper motors shall be fixed prior to tuning up if found non-functioning.) 6Perform all controls and tune up measures listed in 3,4 and 5 Add-on DVC control, CO2 sensor, controller where necessary, and O/A sensor, and new programmable thermostat. Economizer must be operational and tuned up. (Damaged dampers, damper linkage and damper motors shall be fixed prior to tuning up if found non-functioning.)
PNW Collaboration/Advocacy RTF-RTUG BPA 3ET HVAC NEEA California National
Open Collaboration/Advocacy PNW NPCC/RTF Bonneville/ 3ET + R&D NEEA + EMT PNL ETO Southwest NEEP California IOUs/SMUD CEC CPUC WCEC WHVACPA OEMs/AHRI/CEE USDOE/ASHRAE
Whats Wrong & Right with this Picture? Controller W OLD Damper Actuator Whiz Bang Digital Sensor – C7660 Does snap disc input rush current[ >20mA] burn out the motor prematurely? Whiz Bang Controller -W NEW
Outside Air Sensor Enclosure
Advanced Rooftop Unit (CA PIER + 3ET) Publish performance curves Snap disc replacement Outside air sensor enclosure/placement Climate optimized RTU standards RTU FDD w/remote comm -CA Title 24 Rethink/Redesign – Proctor Engineering Group Collaboration/Advocacy
Package Unit Standard
Package unit as received
HDAC Package Modifications
Package unit blower revisions (not final evaporator coil or coil location)
Labels on the suction, discharge, and liquid lines (for multiple compressors units) A high-pressure refrigerant port located on the liquid line; low-pressure refrigerant port located on the suction line Pressure plug-in ports accessible from outside of the condenser fan plenum (where compressors located within the condenser fan plenum) Controls to adjust the minimum outside air position accessible with air plenum panels in place. Tighten the box/dampers: ASHRAE Advocacy/Collaboration-1
The following sensors permanently installed to monitor system operation Control system capable of displaying the value of each parameter at the at the unit, and/or t-stat and/or through a remote gateway: –Refrigerant suction pressure/temperature –Liquid line pressure/temperature –Outside air temperature/air relative humidity –Return air temperature/relative humidity –Supply air temperature/supply air relative humidity –Condenser/evaporator air flow –Economizer performance Advocacy/Collaboration-2
CA T24 RTU FDD Low airflow Low/High refrigerant charge Sensor out of range or failed Compressor short cycling Economizer not functional/optimized Performance degradation Non-occupied operation Advocacy/Collaboration-3
Next to the last research steps…. Draft annualized savings methodology with separate characterizations of annual operation for summer and winter Data block interval analysis Recommendations regarding fan schedule persistence Site temperature vs. TMY data Additional persistence analysis Billing/signature analysis for selected sites Measure life implications from the data
Proposal to the RTF for an annualized savings estimation methodology Recommendations to the RTF on RTU-related technical/analytical issues Recommendation for an RTU Forum- scope/national? Recommendations to NPPC/NEEA/BPA for RTU- related market transformation and technical standards advocacy Final report of Phase 4 RTUG Outcomes