City of Alexandria Virginia Transportation and Environmental Services ITS technologies on Route 1 Transitway Project Ravi Raut, P.E. June 2014
Route 1 Transitway - Location Map 5-mile corridor between Pentagon City and Braddock Road Metrorail stations 80% of corridor in dedicated right-of-way 30 Transitway stops within the corridor Expected daily ridership of 3,570 by 2017 First 0.8 mile segment in Alexandria currently under construction
Rt 1 Transitway- Alexandria Section Route 1 northbound widened by Potomac Yard South Developer 2-lane transit-only corridor with 12-ft landscaped medians on both sides Medians taper to allow for left- turn lanes at signalized intersections
Rt 1 Before construction
Rt 1 During Construction
Typical Transitway Route 1 intersection
ITS applications on Transitway Transit Signal Priority Queue jump Costumer Information Electronic Display (CIED) signs Bus Fare collection
Choosing TSP locations Transit Priority and Queue Jump Intersection LOS/Delays Bus stop location Number of passengers Detectors on side street 3 TSP and 2 Queue jump locations
TSP Operation AVL system – Clever Devices IVN and BusWare software TSP software run on IVN platform and works with BusWare BusWare looks at all operational data and determines if request is met. If request is met, Busware invokes TSP software. TSP software (via onboard cellular modem) initiate dialogue with intersection (via intersection cellular modem) Intersection modem transmits the data to correct phase selector Phase selector makes priority decision at the intersection Central Management software (CMS) enables system manager to monitor, maintain and configure the TSP system from central location
TSP operation
Traffic signal cabinet - TSP
Transit Priority technics Green extension If the signal is green but about to turn red and if bus is behind schedule – add few seconds of green time for approaching transit Early green If the signal is red - truncate the red phase for approaching transit
Queue Jump
Queue Jump
Typical Transit Station
BRT bus fleet
CIED signs CIED sign ADA Pushbutton
CIED sign Operation
Display sample ETA time – Real time (rt) Schedule time (s) Alert/Ad hoc messages
User Interface Add sign
User Interface Delete sign
User Interface Edit bus stop
ADA pushbutton Pressure activated Button produces a beep and LED flashes when button activated. Audio announcements of what is being displayed on sign can be heard with press of audio push button Braille Placard with instructions
Fare collection Proof-of-payment system 3 TVMs per platform Time-stamped paper tickets purchased at vending machine (TVM) on platform Passengers board at all doors without showing tickets to operator Inspectors board vehicles or monitor station platforms periodically to inspect tickets 3 TVMs per platform 2 SmarTrip-compatible TVMs 1 machine that accepts credit cards/coins