Elements of Design
Elements of Design Color Line: Vertical Horizontal Diagonal Curved Form: shape Space/Mass Texture: How it looks or feels
Goal of Design Beauty Appropriateness Unity with variation Function
Design Characteristics Function: How a design works Usefulness, convenience, organization Peoples ages, sizes, abilities are accommodated. Construction (Materials): Materials chosen to support the room’s function. Fabric, stone, metals, and plastics Aesthetics: Pleasing appearance, beauty 4
You need all 3 to create a successful room design
Curved Lines
High Mass
Low Mass: Traditional Shaker
Texture: Stone
Texture: Smooth
Texture: Rough
To-Do Find your group using the card that was handed to you: Can you guess what element your group has? Make a poster of you assigned element of design. You must include: Your element of design The textbook definition of your element Additional information from the textbook: Why is your element important? What feelings can come from your element? How do you incorporate this elements into a room? Are there any rules about your element? Draw some examples of your element.