Omnipotent Deity Atheist Agnostic Omnibenevolent Incarnate Crucifixion Starter: Choose 9 of the words below and write them IN THE BACK OF YOUR BOOK Omnipotent Deity Atheist Agnostic Omnibenevolent Incarnate Crucifixion Transcendent Theist Omniscient Trinity Resurrection Immanent Monotheist Holy spirit Omnipresent
Revision – Year 11 mock Christian Beliefs Key terms – nature of God Denominations Trinity Incarnation of Jesus Crucifixion of Jesus Resurrection of Jesus Afterlife Salvation Creation Christian Practices Prayer Worship – liturgical and non liturgical Sacraments – Baptism, Holy Communion Easter Christmas Missionary work Food banks/street pastors The Church Growth of The Church Pilgrimage Persecution
Revision – Year 11 mock Buddhist Beliefs Birth of the Buddha The four sights Buddha’s ascetic life Buddha’s enlightenment The universal truths The four noble truths Buddhist denominations – Theravada and Mahayana, Pure Land The Arhat and Bodhisattva Buddhist Practices Places of worship How Buddhists worship Meditation Visualisation Buddhist death ceremonies Festivals Kamma and rebirth Compassion (karuna) Loving-kindness (metta) The five moral precepts The six perfections