What’s Happening in kindergarten? Mrs. Dininny’s class news 9-5 to 9-8 A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in kindergarten? We are already making a lot of progress! Thank you so much for the support in helping your children at home! This week, we focus on the letters Mm and Tt. We will work in Literacy Centers for the first time! We will talk about several stories, make crafts, and practice important skills. We will work on naming shapes, counting, and making/reading graphs in Math. Please practice those letters and numbers as much as possible! Classroom reminder Please remember to check your child’s folder every night. Please make sure any homework that is sent home is being completed. Dates to remember Remember that all Fridays are early dismissals. If transportation changes, please send in a note. Please make sure “Me Bags” are returned by Thursday. Thank You, Mrs. Dininny