You may be thinking, “Am I in the right place?” You are in room 210. You may be thinking, “Am I in the right place?” If your schedule says Ms. Jackson, Lang Arts, Rm. 210, you are in the right room!
WELCOME to the seventh grade!! 2018-2019
Write this in your planner! Schedule Write this in your planner! 8:50-9:45 Homeroom 9:48-10:33 1st period 10:37-11:22 2nd period 11:26-12:24 3rd period 12:27-2:05 (12:40ish LUNCH Table 8) 4th period 2:08-3:08 5th period 3:12-4:15 6th period
We are all in this together! Welcome to English Language Arts! We are all in this together! A positive attitude is the key to success. Let’s keep it all the times.
MISSION Ms. Jackson’s ELA class is a respectful & professional classroom established to build a foundation for excellence in language arts through academic, behavioral, and social success.
Positive Professional Learning environment In order to maintain a professional learning environment, we will ALL learn each others preferred name. We will address each other by name and nothing else.
Why is it important that we address each other by name? What’s in a name? Why is it important that we address each other by name? Why is your name important?
Trust circle Building TRUST & RESPECT for ALL
Trust circle Cross your hands RIGHT over LEFT Hold the person’s hand next to you The quicker you get over this, easier it will get Now, close your eyes & listen
Each person will say their name and goal for the school year Trust circle Each person will say their name and goal for the school year
Gutsy goals What does it mean to have “guts”?
Gutsy goals Over the top Extraordinary NEAR impossible
By the end of the school year, I WILL reach all of my gutsy goals Ms. Jackson’s Gutsy goals I will help each student raise their SRI score by at least 20% I will build a personal relationship with EVERY student in my class. I will know more than just their name. I will read two books every month By the end of the school year, I WILL reach all of my gutsy goals
Name Tag w/ Gutsy goals On the FRONT of your name tag, write your name & decorate it to reflect who YOU are. Leave as little white space as possible On the BACK, write your gutsy goal
Write out a plan how YOU will reach YOUR gutsy goal. hOMEWORK Write out a plan how YOU will reach YOUR gutsy goal.
Trust circle Cross your hands RIGHT over LEFT Hold/fist bump the person’s hand next to you The quicker you get over this, easier it will get Go around the circle sharing your name Now, close your eyes & listen
What do you think this video is trying to teach us? HAPPY Thursday! August 2, 2017 REMINDERS Summer Reading Assignment due August 22nd! Please go to Griffin’s website for more information! Warm-Up: What do you think this video is trying to teach us?
1. Have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve HOW TO create a plan to reach our gutsy goal 1. Have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve 2. Map out the key things that need to happen 3. Think about who needs to be involved 4. Map out key deadlines – which dates must be met? 5. Always looking forward to the next steps 6. At each stage – is this still working? Will this really give me what I want?
Write out a plan how YOU will reach YOUR gutsy goal. hOMEWORK Write out a plan how YOU will reach YOUR gutsy goal.
As we review, please jot notes down in your binder/notebook! TODAY WE ARE REVIEWING CLASSROOM RULES & PROCEDURES As we review, please jot notes down in your binder/notebook! Throughout the year, you WILL be randomly quizzed on the classroom rules, procedures, & expectations for this class! We are here to learn!
After/before school detention Saturday School Office referral Possible Behavioral Consequences Warning Silent lunch Phone call home Student conference After/before school detention Saturday School Office referral
Refer to your Procedures handout for a more complete list. Class Procedures We will only be reviewing the most commonly used procedures at this time. Refer to your Procedures handout for a more complete list. Procedures may be changed or added to if the need arises.
Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class. ENTRANCE into the classroom Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class. Enter the classroom quietly. Pick up your journal, text book, and handouts, if needed. Go directly to our TRUST CIRCLE
Complete warm-up or journal prompt Right After the Bell Rings Complete warm-up or journal prompt Check the board for any new due dates Write in your AGENDA any homework, deadlines, & reminders When you finish, wait quietly and check over your work. You may read a book, write, or draw when finished! If you are NOT in your seat by the time the bell rings, you will be considered late for my class.
Listen to the teacher with full attention. During Instruction Listen to the teacher with full attention. No pencil sharpening, talking, moving about the classroom, whispering, or tapping on the desks. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand and waiting quietly to be called on. After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, raise your hand, wait to be called on, and then ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand.
STOP whatever you are doing at that moment. When You hear my chime… STOP whatever you are doing at that moment. Face the teacher and wait silently. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher. Eyes on me Listen carefully!
When You Are Absent Ask your neighbors what we did and see what you are missing. FIRST, CHECK THE BLOG FOR ANY MISSING WORK & MATERIALS…There is a binder on the bookcase in the front of the room with materials from each lesson. Please check the binder for missing work. During class is NOT the time to work on missing assignments. This should be done after school or when there is extra time. If you missed a test because of an excused absence, inform the teacher and arrange a time to make up the test before or after school.
While You Are Working Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand the directions. Check the board for instructions/directions before asking, “What are we supposed to be doing?” If you do not understand the directions, raise your hand and ask the teacher. Do NOT disrupt your neighbors. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper IF we are working in small groups OR you have been given permission to talk during independent work time Respect each other and be friendly. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
CLASSWORK Classwork is to be completed IN class! It is important to manage your time in class to ensure you complete all work during the work session. On occasion, I may allow students to take classwork home to finish it. However, in order for YOU to be more efficient in class, YOU must practice working at a faster pace without negatively impacting your academic performance!
If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. After You Are Finished Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. Check to see if the heading is written correctly on your paper and you have titled your work if needed. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. If appropriate, read quietly in your seat. DO NOT TALK TO YOUR PEERS. Being finished with your work does not mean free time.
Have respect for our school and our learning environment. Maintaining the Classroom Have respect for our school and our learning environment. Pick up any garbage, even if it’s not yours. Do NOT intentionally deface school, personal, or other’s personal property. This includes writing on my desks, the bathroom walls, picking at the numbers on the desk, etc. Destruction of property is a legal offense! If you tamper or destroy property that does NOT belong to you, there will be severe consequences.
Dismissal Clean your work area (including the floor around you) and take all garbage to the trash can at the end of class. Wait in your seat QUIETLY for the bell/teacher to dismiss you. Leave quietly, ONLY after you have been given permission to do so.
FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE WILL RESULT IN A CITATION Dismissal- 6TH PERIOD ONLY Clean your work area (including the floor around you) and take all garbage to the trash can at the end of class. Straighten seating area Volunteers to vacuum, sweep, and wipe table areas You will NOT talk during afternoon announcements! You will remain SEATED in YOUR desk until the SILVER DISMISSAL! FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE WILL RESULT IN A CITATION
Report to attendance office to get tardy slip. When You Have an Unexcused Tardy Report to attendance office to get tardy slip. Enter the classroom quietly and go to your seat. You will not be excused from any work you missed. Quietly, get the assignment and do the work at home.
When There Is a Substitute We treat guests in our room as courteously or better than we treat Ms. Jackson -Sit in your assigned seat ONLY. -Maintain proper voice levels. -Remain on task. -Be helpful and courteous. Subs will report behaviors (good & bad) and proper consequences will be applied.
CLASSROOM BLOG SJACKSONGMS.COM It is YOUR responsibility to check the blog EVERY DAY! The blog is there to help you succeed in this course! The blog is updated almost every day with the materials & assignments given each day. Homework reminders as well as other important information is posted on the blog!
2. Write out a plan how YOU will reach YOUR gutsy goal. Homework! SIGN UP FOR REMIND101 Text @jacksonGMS to the number 81010 2. Write out a plan how YOU will reach YOUR gutsy goal.
How the room MUST look before you are dismissed!!!
List our FIVE classroom expectations/rules I told you yesterday Happy Friday! August 3rd, 2018 REMINDERS Summer Reading Assignment due August 22nd! Homework due: Sign-up for Remind 101 Complete Goal Plan Signed Syllabus Warm-Up: List our FIVE classroom expectations/rules I told you yesterday
• Specific: What exactly to you want to achieve? Goal Setting Great goals are: • Specific: What exactly to you want to achieve? • Measurable: How will you know that you have reached your goal? • Reasonable: Is the goal something that you can achieve during the school year?
Goal Setting Our Future Is Bright! Follow the instructions on the hand out to create personal goals for the new school year!