Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How Resources for Sunday School in 2017
Johari Window + + + Known to self - - - Arena Everybody knows Blind spot I don't Others do Facade I do Others don't Unknown Nobody knows + + + Known to others - - -
Johari Window You Ask Arena Everybody knows You Tell Facade Blind spot I don't Others do Facade I do Others don't Unknown Nobody knows You Tell
Ortho . . . what? Orthodoxy (head) (doctrine) (LEARN) Orthopraxy (hands) (behavior) (SERVE) Orthopathy (heart) (passion) (ENGAGE)
Resource process (crowd-sourced studying) You get a free book You read some each week You email good quotes We all benefit
a week-by-week Bible study for 2017 week 1: Romans X:Y-Z
Table prayer time See the “Weekly Update” at your table Review and update prior prayer requests Write down new prayer requests Lean in, engage, and pray as a table Clean up and move to the auditorium