Learn the Terms Refer to Chapter 15 for the answers Civil society WHO Pandemic Environmental Sustainabililty Blood Oil Virtual Communities Includes community groups, non- governmental and faith based groups. An epidemic that spreads around the world in a short span of time. Oil that is obtained through violence and bloodshed. World Health Organization Made up of people who might not have met in person who interact via the internet. the long-term maintenance and responsibility of resources and the environment through stewardship.
How does globalization change communities?
How does global need for resources affect people?
Shell Oil – The Awful Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejym4mKelhM Watch the 2:21 video clip and list some of Shell’s impact in Nigeria.
How does globalization affect people’s health?
Globalization and people’s health Swine flu propagation animation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NylT5leFHp4
How have people responded to global issues?