OVARIES 2 Functions Release Estrogen & Progesterone Release mature egg cells Contain Ova or eggs Female born with 100,000 immature eggs Small organs Almond size Located few inches below waist on either side
FALLOPIAN TUBES Carry mature eggs from ovary to uterus Cilia-hairlike structures move egg through F.T. Slightly curved Fingerlike ends to draw egg into F.T. Each F.T. leads into the uterus F.T. usually where fertilization occurs
UTERUS Womb-shelters & nourishes the fetus Contains thick lining & muscular walls Muscles expand & contract allow for growing fetus & delivery of baby Several layers of tissue Rich supply of blood
CERVIX Opening of the Uterus Located at narrow base of the uterus Closes during pregnancy Expands when baby is ready to be delivered
VAGINA Muscular passageway from uterus to outside of the body Muscles very elastic-expand Sperm enter through vagina During childbirth baby exits body through the vagina
Menstruation Flow of the lining material out of the female Menstrual Cycle-time from one menstruation to another Day 1-13 egg cell maturing Day 14 ovulation occurs Day 15-20 egg travels through F.T. Day 21 egg in uterus; if after 7 days not fertilized menstruation begins
Problems of Female System Premenstrual Syndrome Toxic Shock Syndrome Endometriosis Infertility Vaginitis Ovarian Cysts Cancer
FEMALE Reproduction Diagram