Using ePortfolios in Learning & Teaching
Some definitions Definitions of an e-portfolio tend to include the following elements: A collection of digital elements Evidence of an individual’s progress and achievements Formal and informal learning activities Personally managed and owned by the learner Can be used for review, reflection and PDP Can be selectively accessed by other interested parties eg teachers, peers, assessors, awarding bodies, prospective employers’
JISC definition “An e-Portfolio is a purposeful aggregation of digital items ….. …..ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback etc, which “presents” a selected audience with evidence of a person’s learning and /or ability” Sutherland, S. and Powell, A. (2007) Effective Practice with e-Portfolios, JISC (2008) JISC publications use a useful and succinct description. Joint Information Systems Committee –JISC is the organisation with responsibility to lead and support the UK education and research community in the innovative use of ICT. It’s important to establish a common understanding of e-Portfolios – and this is one of the difficulties when it comes to any new learning technology. What’s missing from this definition I think is the capacity within most e-Portfolio systems for self assessment leading to the setting of personal goals and targets (Personal Development Planning). An e-Portfolio therefore is not simply the digitisation of paper-based portfolios (with perhaps the inclusion of some new media), used to document evidence of achievement. Rather the functionality of e-portfolios enable learners to assemble, demonstrate and reflect on the skills, knowledge and achievement they have built up during their learning experience and document their progress towards personal goals.
Assessment & Accreditation ePortfolio structure Personal details Assessment & Accreditation ePortfolio for... Repository ePortfolio for... Showcase for Skills & Knowledge Typically an ePortfolio system will look something like this. With inputs into the central file store that will likely include digital artifacts – ( files like docs/spreadsheets ) Links to online resources – ( web2.0 collaborative tools ) multimedia ( images/sound/video ) Reflective logs ( Blogs/journal/peer review ) PDP processes ( self-evaluation, objective setting & action planning ) e-Portfolios can be constructed depending on purpose. Again ensuring the purpose is clear is necessary to be able to put appropriate systems and support mechanisms in place. PDP processes Icons by DryIcons
Institutional e-Portfolio Achievement of Standards Assessment of Learning Assessment for Learning Documentation of Deep Learning ePortfolio created for multiple purposes Learner selects items for self-determined purpose (PDP) Digital archive of evidence + self-evaluation Accreditation Submitted to assessment management system Assessor determines and evaluates evidence Digital archive of evidence + evaluation Institutional e-Portfolio Achievement of Standards Learner e-Portfolio Growth & Development Literature suggests that e-Portfolios can be characterised by purpose. Achievement of standards – meeting minimum standards (accountability purposes) Documentation of deep learning – showing growth and development over time (learning purposes) Resumes to show competency - showing best work (marketing purposes) e-Portfolios promise support for both high stakes assessment and deep learning. There is an argument that unless the conflicting paradigms and competing purposes underlying e-Portfolios are recognised, there value for learning is undermined. In other words I think that the purpose of adopting an ePortfolio needs to be clear. Are they to be used for accountability purposes / providing evidence of achievement ? Are they to be used to encourage deep learning / demonstrating personal growth ? Are they to be used for self evaluation / personal development planning ? Are they to provide a window for prospective employers / further study ? The answers to these questions will determine the type of system needed and the functionality required. Balancing a System
Student ePortfolio Developmental Transitional Courses Institutions Learning PDP Reflection Presentational Course of study Job Application Assessment
Perspectives ‘The VLE is owned by the college and the e-portfolio is owned by me. ‘it takes the CV in to the modern era’ ‘an e-portfolio should be your opportunity to draw on everything you have already created to make your own story’ ‘it’s an addictive thing to use both academically and socially’
ePortfolio Systems
Further Information RSCtv (watch again) - e-Portfolios in Practice Effective Practice with e-Portfolios E-Portfolios – What institutions really need to know Individualised Support for Learning Through e-Portfolios (ISLE) e-Portfolio Toolkit from JISC InfoNet