Implementation of SDMX in the ESS Directors of Social Statistics Meeting 20-21 September 2012 August Götzfried Head of Eurostat Unit B5 Management of statistical data and metadata
Questions What is SDMX? Why should we use it? How do we get there? Where are we today? What can data provider (Member states) do? 20/21-Sept-2012
Statistical Data and Metadata EXchange SDMX ISO TS 17369 UNSD World Bank 20/21-Sept-2012 3 3 3 3
SDMX – opportunities Data structures, concepts, code lists Across statistical domains Across statistical organisations Streamline data flows Central management of technical/statistical standards (SDMX Registry) Data structures, concepts, code lists Software tools Data sharing 20/21-Sept-2012
The SDMX Components SDMX Information model Content-oriented guidelines Describes the data/metadata exchange Defines the main SDMX components and a set of rules Content-oriented guidelines Defines the standard in terms of content: statistical concepts, cross-domain code lists, statistical domains, Metadata Common Vocabulary IT infrastructure for exchange and sharing Describes the main modes of data exchange: push mode, pull mode and the hub mode SDMX is not just a transmission format, but also cares for statistical harmonisation and business process integration 20/21-Sept-2012 5 5
Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there? Where are we today? What can data providers (Member states) do? 20/21-Sept-2012
Eurostat SDMX Implementation Process 20/21-Sept-2012 7
What is a Data Structure Definition (DSD)? TIME COUNTRY FREQUENCY TOURISM TOPIC OBS_VALUE OBS_STATUS E P DIMENSIONS ATTRIBUTES MEASURES Describe statistics in a standard way 20/21-Sept-2012
Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there? Where are we today? What can data providers (Member states) do? 20/21-Sept-2012
ESS implementation actions for data exchange Maritime EGR Education* Health* STS Ext. Trade* … Balance of Payments* National Accounts* Research & Development* Aviation Census Fisheries* Waste * Other international organisations also involved 20/21-Sept-2012
Reference metadata standard ESS implementation actions for reference metadata exchange (in social statistics) Statistical domain Reference metadata standard In full production by: Labour Force Survey ESQRS 2012 (pilot) 2013 (all NSIs) Census Hub ESMS 2012-2013 Adult Education Survey End 2012 (pilot) Job vacancy statistics End 2012 EU-SILC To be defined 20/21-Sept-2012
Structural metadata (code list) harmonisation in social statistics Code lists Statistical domain 35 specific code lists Census Hub ICD-9CM ; ICD10 and ESOD 2003 (diseases) Health Field of Science 2007 Science & Technology ISCED 1997 (ISCED 2011 to come) Education More standardisation of structural metadata (code lists) to come with the SDMX implementation e.g. in education, health, R&D or other social statistics 20/21-Sept-2012
Questions What is SDMX? Why use it? How do we get there? Where are we today? What can data providers (Member states) do? 20/21-Sept-2012
What can data provider (Member states) do? Use and reuse all SDMX IT infrastructure already being in place (e.g. the SDMX Reference Infrastructure already being installed in most Member states); Discuss the SDMX implementation actions (i.e. the technical and statistical harmonisation of the data sets in the competent working groups; Embark into SDMX based data and metadata exchange as soon as this is possible for particular statistical domains; Identify next statistical domains in social statistics for SDMX implementation (trigger: changing data sets, changing international data flows etc.). 20/21-Sept-2012
Questions? SDMX Support Team SDMX Website Eurostat SDMX Info Space SDMX Website Eurostat SDMX Info Space 20/21-Sept-2012