Origins of Buddhism
The Quest for Answers Siddhartha Gautama – aka “Buddha” Born a Kshatriya, 563 BC (a prince) Saw human suffering & pain Questioned why people suffer Journeyed through India No one could give him answers
Finding Enlightenment He wanted to free himself of daily concerns (For a while he didn’t even bath -starts fasting and meditating) Fasting- going without food Meditation- the focusing of the mind on spiritual ideas Siddhartha spent 6 years wandering in India
Finding Enlightenment Sat down under a tree & meditated for 7 weeks He had an epiphany & realized human suffering came from 3 things… 1) Wanting what we like but do not have 2) Wanting to keep what we like & already have 3) Not wanting what we dislike & have
Finding Enlightenment From then on he was known as…. “Buddha” A.K.A “The Enlightened One” (He spent the rest of his life traveling in N. India & teaching people his ideas)
Challenging Hindu Ideas Buddha rejected many rituals from the Vedas (Like animal sacrifice) Challenged authority of Brahmins (Priests cannot help you reach salvation) Disagreed with the caste system Buddhism attracted herders, farmers, artisans, & untouchables
Teachings of Buddhism Buddha gained followers as he traveled (These people were the first Buddhists) Similarity with Hinduism = Belief in reincarnation, karma Reincarnation until you reach nirvana – a state of perfect peace (total clarity)
Four Noble Truths -four guiding principles at the heart of Buddha’s teachings Suffering is a part of human life that no one can escape. Suffering comes from our desires. Suffering will end when we are free of desire. 4. Release from suffering and desire will occur as a result of following the Eightfold Path.
The Eightfold Path The “Middle Way” or path to a life of limited suffering… 1. Right Thought 2. Right Intent 3. Right Speech 4. Right Action 5. Right livelihood 6. Right Effort 7.Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
Buddhism Spreads By Buddha’s death in 483 BC, Buddhism had spread throughout India by missionaries -someone who works to spread religious beliefs
A Split within Buddhism Two major branches: Theravada & Mahayana Theravada - believe in following Buddha’s teachings exactly Mahayana – believes others can interpret teachings to reach nirvana Mahayana is by far the larger branch
Famous Buddhists Approximately 7% of world population