State of play of the Datawarehouse reports TRACES DWH Friday 18 november 2011 State of play of the Datawarehouse reports Traces Datawarehouse reports issues (2) Traces Datawarehouse Working Group of 5 may 2011, requests (3) … and our works in progress (BO XI prompts ;CVEDA, CVEDP, INTRA) (4-9) DWH Architecture overview, new servers (10) New BO XI interfaces (11) Technical issues in progress (12) DWH dashboards, Existing dashboards (test) (13) CED, main page, selection pages and report (14-16) Questions and answers (17) SANCO A4, Sanco BI
Traces datawarehouse reports issues TRACES DWH Traces datawarehouse reports issues INTRA Ad’hoc report V9.4 empty column titles, quantity too high 14/11/2011 (SB591) solved CVEDA and CVEDP SCWH011 Laboratory tests V8 multiple test values displayed 08/09/2011 (SB483) workaround applied and will be fixed with TRACES V5.30 CVEDP SCWH003B Quantity V8 no direct cncode input available 07/09/2011 (SB466) will be fixed with TRACES V5.30 INTRA SCWH13 Ad’hoc V8.0 refreshing destination impossible 12/07/2011 (SB410) V9.4 (selection of origin and destination LVU) V9.5.(origin and destination postal codes) INTRA SCWH005A and 005B V8.0 refreshing time too long 12/05/2011 (SB348) V8.01 provided SANCO A4, Sanco BI
TRACES DWH Traces Working Group requests TRACES Working group requests implementations (SB376) categories status report (SB415), already available in the current datawarehouse site second phase (updates within reports BOXI) CVEDA, new prompts 'For import or admission' (SB434), new prompts 'Animals certified as' (SB435), new prompts 'Consignment purpose' boxes 18,19,20 (SB436), CVEDP, new prompts 'Veterinary approval numbers' box 10 (SB438), new prompts 'Consignment purpose' boxes 17,18,20 (SB437), INTRA, new prompt 'Departure dates' box15 (SB439), new prompt 'Animals/Producst certified as' box25 (SB441), Within all the reports, labelling when no data available (SB433), New field, Creation date (SB383), will be included with TRACES V5.30 CVEDA, new version of all CVEDA reports (SB583) from TRACES V5.30 within BOXI server CVEDP, new version of all CVEDP reports (SB584) INTRA, new version of all INTRA reports (SB582) SANCO A4, Sanco BI
… our works in progress : categories status report TRACES DWH … our works in progress : categories status report SANCO A4, Sanco BI
… our works in progress : CVEDA TRACES DWH … our works in progress : CVEDA (SB435), (SB434), (SB436), SANCO A4, Sanco BI
… our works in progress : CVEDP TRACES DWH … our works in progress : CVEDP (SB438), (SB437), SANCO A4, Sanco BI
… our works in progress : INTRA Note : V9.5 will include (SB441), TRACES DWH … our works in progress : INTRA (SB439), Note : V9.5 will include (SB441), SANCO A4, Sanco BI
TRACES DWH … our works in progress : INTRA V9.4 versus V9.5 SANCO A4, Sanco BI
TRACES DWH … our works in progress when no data available … (SB433), SANCO A4, Sanco BI
DWH Architecture overview, new servers TRACES DWH DWH Architecture overview, new servers SANCO A4, sanco bi team
TRACES DWH New BO XI interfaces SANCO A4, sanco bi team
Technical issues in progress… TRACES DWH Technical issues in progress… SANCO A4, sanco bi team
TRACES DWH DWH Dashboards, existing dashboards (within DG SANCO test server) Document with Qlikview documents views will be available on CIRCA SANCO A4, sanco bi team
TRACES DWH CED, Main page SANCO A4, sanco bi team
TRACES DWH CED, Part I Part II SANCO A4, sanco bi team
TRACES DWH CED, Report SANCO A4, sanco bi team
TRACES DWH Questions and answers ? SANCO A4, sanco bi team