How to Plan and execute your night Poster and Presentation English 2 Final How to Plan and execute your night Poster and Presentation
Objective To demonstrate mastery of the novel’s: Theme Development of characters
How to approach the project Telling a story about a boy who experiences change OR drawing connections between the meaning of words to the meaning of the novel The poster is there to enhance your oral presentation Supports what you are saying with interesting and relevant visuals Draws and generates interest
So, what do you do ??? Don’t Do Torture us by reading quotes Explain the meaning or significance of the quote by referencing moments in the story Bore us by reading from the poster Glance at your note cards and practice what you going to say so that your presentation of ideas is smooth and easy to follow Offend us by “explaining” your poster We know how to look at a poster. We are more interested in hearing your unique interpretations and having a interesting poster to look at while you explain your ideas.