1st Grade Crew News Sept. 4-7 2018 A Note From X Marks the Calendar! Contact Us Conference Time: 3:00-3:30 Phone: (903) 737-7458 FB Page: Justiss 1st Grade Crew laura.chesshire@parisisd.net (ELAR/Writing) kimmy.rhodes@parisisd.net (Math/Science/Social Studies) 1st Grade Crew News Sept. 4-7 2018 yytyt A Note From Your Captains X Marks the Calendar! September 21- Homecoming! 24- Popcorn fundraiser begins 27- Fall picture day October 5- Early Dismissal/ Popcorn fundraiser ends -Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30 -Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm Homework is not something that is graded. We provide practice to reinforce what we have learned at school. Mrs. Chesshire will be sending home reading folders this week. Those with completed logs will get a prize! Anchored in Learning v Reading & Phonics Writing Math Science Social Studies Students will generate and recognize rhymes and recalling the sequence and details of a nonfiction text. Recognizing the letter N, O, T, P and matching it’s sound. Students will assist the teacher in shared writing and illustrate their ideas. Students will identify a triangle (sides & angles). Students will sort by attribute. Students will make a shape on a geoboard (identify inside/outside) Students will count pennies. Students will identify a number between two numbers. Students will identify how weather changes from day to day. Students will use appropriate vocabulary to describe the changes in weather. Students will continue to discuss similarities & differences in rules and responsibilities at home and at school. High Frequency Words for, what, here, little, my, was, has, look, where, with, me (These sight words will be practiced daily and will be assessed on Friday)