Ms. Justice Fourth Grade
I attended the University of Central Florida. This is my second year at Plato. If I hadn’t become a teacher, I’d be an art librarian. My children are entering first, second, and fifth grade here at Plato this year!
Follow directions quickly. Raise your hand to speak. Make smart choices. Treat others with dignity and respect.
If they have an excused absence, they may be permitted to complete make-up work for credit. Please make sure you assist your child with the make up work. It is important that missed work be made up correctly for the sake of the child.
Each week, students will be expected to complete: Vocabulary and Spelling practice in quizlet. Reading homework. One math sheet. One language sheet.
The purpose of an Interactive Student Notebook is to enable your child to be a creative, independent thinker and writer. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other activities in which you will be asked to express your own ideas and process the information presented in class. Interactive notebooks tend to have a learning curve, and we will learn as we go along.
Students are required to keep a binder for this class Students are required to keep a binder for this class. Binders contain all of their notes, quizzes, and classwork, including homework, reading exercises, and interactive notebooking. Their binders will be very beneficial when studying for a test and will be graded quarterly. Neatness counts!
GENERAL COURSE OF ACTION: As a classroom teacher, it is my duty to create an optimal learning environment for everybody in our class. If your child is disruptive, I will go over the expected behavior with them. I will communicate with you should any problems arise. GENERAL COURSE OF ACTION: Problem will be addressed with student; reminded of expected behavior. Problem will be addressed with student. Parent will be contacted. Student may earn a lunch detention or referral.
Email: Office hours: 8:00- 5:30 M-F