Methods Section Due Monday March 5th
Straightforward, 3rd person passive, past tense Example: 20 mL of distilled water were obtained in a beaker. The water was then tested by dipping litmus paper. Red, blue and neutral were all used in that order. Bad: I, we, you, they, us, them, my, our, their
It’s all in the details Enough detail that anyone can follow it. No extra information like observations and results, unless they need to know for the experiment. Example: After the solution stopped bubbling, 10 mL of 1.0 M NaOH was added to the beaker. No need to list materials.
Grades If you were absent, you have until Friday to get the lab in, but it will show up as missing on the D/F notices. If you just didn’t get it done, complete for 50% credit. Incomplete may be a 0. Please retake quizzes during lunch or after school.
Lab Tomorrow Karaoke Friday at lunch. Quiz next week, Thursday or Friday.