VARYING SENTENCE STRUCTURE STRATEGY #1 1. Start the sentence with a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase is a phrase that begins with a preposition (words that describe relationship, such as about, above, after, under, with, over, around, beside, through etc.). Under the influence of his culture, Joe Keller sold faulty equipment to the army in order to protect his family and his American dream. Style Sentence Structure
VARYING SENTENCE STRUCTURE STRATEGY #2 2. Start the sentence with an adverb phrase or an adverb. Adverb phrases describe HOW. Adverbs usually end with “ly”. Innocently following the rules of his culture, Joe Keller sold faulty equipment to the army in order to protect his family and his American dream. Style Sentence Structure
VARYING SENTENCE STRUCTURE STRATEGY #3 3. Start the sentence with an infinitive phrase. An infinitive phrase begins with an infinitive (to + verb). To protect his family and his American dream, Joe Keller, a victim of his culture, sold faulty equipment to the army. Or In order to protect his family and his American dream, Joe Keller, a victim of his culture, sold faulty equipment to the army. Style sentence structure
VARYING SENTENCE STRUCTURE STRATEGY #4 4. Start the sentence with a present participle phrase. A present participle phrase begins with a gerund (a verb form with “ing” at the end). Protecting his family and his American Dream, Joe Keller, a victim of his culture, sold faulty equipment to the army. Style sentence struccture
VARYING SENTENCE STRUCTURE STRATEGY #5 5. Start the sentence with a past participle phrase. A past participle phrase begins with the past tense of a verb (usually the ____ed form). Victimized by a society that prioritizes the self and the family, Joe Keller sold faulty equipment to the army to protect his family and his American dream Style sentence structure