How to make a great impression when it matters most. Interview Skills How to make a great impression when it matters most.
Keys to a successful interview: Do your research! Be 5-10 minutes early Dress to impress Pay attention to the small talk Use STAR to say enough but not too much
Non-verbal can make it or break it! Clothing Handshake Eye contact Posture Gesturing/mannerisms Um…. Other?
Practice with questions pt.1 Tell us about yourself. Give an example of how you’ve adapted to a new situation. Give an example of a time when you dealt with a difficult situation in a work environment. How did it turn out? Describe an instance when you worked particularly well as part of a team. What did you contribute to its success?
Practice with questions pt.2 Tell us about yourself. Give an example of a time when you experienced success in a team environment. What contributed to it? Describe characteristics of your ideal supervisor. Provide an example of a time in which you had to use your fact-finding skills to gain information for solving a problem.