Abbreviations Q: What is an abbreviation? A: A short way to write a word. Abbreviations usually begin with a capital letter and use a period at the end.
Titles of People Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr.
Days of the Week Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Months of the Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Addresses & Places Rd. Dr. Ave. Pkwy. Blvd. St. Ln. U.S.
Test Prep Tip “All abbreviations, except for the postal abbreviations of states, need a period at the end.”
Practice… Find the word in each sentence that can be abbreviated. Then change it to the correct abbreviation. Do you know Mister Ramirez? His birthday is March 18. We visited him last Sunday. He lives on Mulberry Street. My pen pal wants to visit the United States.