Scale A series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme An octave (eight notes)
Chromatic Scale Scale that includes 12 notes- whole steps and half steps
Arpeggio The notes of a chord played in succession, ascending or descending.
Forte To be played loudly
Piano To be played softly
Mezzo forte To be played moderately loud Softer than forte
Mezzo piano To be played moderately soft Louder than piano, softer than mezzo forte
Andante To be played moderately slow
Allegro To be played at a brisk tempo
Adagio To be played slowly
Coda Closing section of a piece of music
Syncopation A shift of accent in a passage or composition where a weak beat is stressed
Etude A musical piece written to improve technique
Ligature Curved line connecting notes to be sung or played as a phrase Also the part of a reed instrument used for tuning and holding the reed in place
Scale A series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme An octave (eight notes)
Forte To be played loudly
Arpeggio The notes of a chord played in succession, ascending or descending.
Chromatic Scale Scale that includes 12 notes- whole steps and half steps
Mezzo Piano To be played moderately soft Louder than piano, softer than mezzo forte
Mezzo forte To be played moderately loud Softer than forte
Andante To be played moderately slow
Piano To be played softly
Adagio To be played slowly
Allegro To be played at a brisk tempo
Syncopation A shift of accent in a passage or composition where a weak beat is stressed
Coda Closing section of a piece of music
Etude A musical piece written to improve technique
Ligature Curved line connecting notes to be sung or played as a phrase Also the part of a reed instrument used for tuning and holding the reed in place