CITY COUNCIL HUD Continuum of Care 2018 Funding Application Introduce myself, labor consultant, and go around the room Jennifer O’Reilly-Jones, Program Coordinator August 27, 2018
Recommendation & Overview Finding of CEQA exemption Approve annual Continuum of Care application to HUD for funding of $3,592,457 for 14 projects HUD NOFA released 06/20/18, due 09/18/2018 Includes new & renewal homelessness funding Nationwide $2.1 billion is available through NOFA City will submit applications for 10 renewals and 4 new projects
Funding Requests-Two Categories Renewal Funding-$3.07 million for 10 projects Projects that have been awarded in past competitions are performing well, and are eligible for renewal 4 existing City-sponsored rental assistance projects will be consolidated into 1 renewal project New Project Funding-$514,204 for 4 projects Limited pot of available funding for prescribed programs 1) Domestic Violence Bonus, 2) Bonus, 3)Reallocated funding, 4) Planning Project
New Project Funding Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus funding: $144,511 DV Bonus projects will specifically serve homeless survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking Bonus funding: $189,795 Provides the opportunity to expand existing projects or create new projects Permanent housing projects are prioritized Reallocated funding: $85,000 One renewal project was recommended for partial reallocation based on low performance and under-utilization of funding Planning funding: $94,898 Only City can apply for planning project City has received planning funding since 2014 HUD requires applicants to apply as a new project annually
RFP for New & Reallocated Funding Request for Proposals issued July 13, 2018 Reallocation, Bonus, and DV Bonus funds Six applications received from four agencies Applications were scored as follows by Grants Evaluation Committee: Project Score Union Station Homeless Services: Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry (DV Bonus) 97 Union Station Homeless Services: Permanent Supportive Housing (Bonus) Step Up: Permanent Supportive Housing (Bonus) 80 Foothill Unity Center: Rapid Rehousing (Bonus) 72 City of Pasadena: HMIS Expansion (Reallocation) 106 Union Station Homeless Services: Permanent Supportive Housing (Reallocation)
New Project Funding Recommendations Union Station Homeless Services was selected for Bonus and DV Bonus funds Bonus: $189,795 for Permanent Supportive Housing program Serve 16 homeless individuals with rental assistance and intensive case management services DV Bonus: $144,511 for Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry program Create DV Coordinator position, provide staff training, and implement trauma-informed interventions
New Project Funding Recommendations City of Pasadena was selected for reallocated funds $85,000 for Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Expansion project Will create additional City staff position to perform data analysis to strengthen system performance and meet increasingly data-driven HUD requirements City of Pasadena will submit a CoC Planning Project application $94,898 for CoC planning costs Staff would like to note to that it was determined that the CoC Planning Project will begin in September 2019 if awarded by HUD, and as such no amendments will be necessary to the department’s FY19 budget as was stated in the agenda report.
Renewal Projects 10 Renewal Projects totaling $3,078,253 HMIS-data collection software Coordinated Entry System (street outreach and housing placement) Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program Type of Permanent Housing Households Navarro House PSH for Individuals 6 Hestia House 8 Holly Street Housing 40 CHOISS Housing Euclid Villa PSH for Families 14 Shelter Plus Care PSH for Individuals & Families 72
Matching Funds HUD requires a 25% local funds match for all projects Funding passed through to sponsor agencies is matched by those agencies City-sponsored projects require City match of General Funds, which will be included in department’s FY 2020 budget: Renewal Projects Match: $35,095 New Projects Match, if awarded: $44,975
Next Steps Submittal to HUD by September 18, 2018 Funding announcements expected by January or early February 2019