Samuel H. Baldinger et al. JACEP 2016;2:14-23 Excitability to Pacing in PV Sleeves and the Gap Area (A) PV pair that required a completed RFA line for entrance block and remained excitable to pacing from the ablation catheter (green tags) as assessed from the Pentaray catheter in the same PV. (B) PV pair that showed entrance block before completion of the RFA line (17-mm gap). PV sleeves became unexcitable to pacing (grey tags, left tracing). The gap area remained excitable to pacing and connected to the left atrium (right tracing). Abl = ablation catheter; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 3. Samuel H. Baldinger et al. JACEP 2016;2:14-23 American College of Cardiology Foundation