5387 Avion Park Drive Highland Heights, Ohio INTUNE v4.4 Demonstration
1-2 Tuning Benefits Easy to use Reduces Tuning Time Eliminates Trial & Error Tuning Generates Optimal PID Values Process Benefits Reduces Process Fluctuations Saves Energy Costs Increases Product Quality and Consistency Reduces Product Waste Reduces Startup Time Reduces Wear and Tear on the Control Valves INTUNE Most advanced software available for loop tuning and diagnostics Setup configuration once. Simple to use tools. Saves engineering time. 75% less time to tune loops. Using the online monitoring functions increases productivity. Which relates directly to lower manufacturing costs.
1-3 for PID Tuning and Diagnostics Complete PID loop tuning & diagnostics Multi-loop (up to 8) Runs on any Windows computer Many communication drivers This is a 4-loop view. Up to 8 loops can be simultaneously monitored. Unlimited number of control loops can be configured.
1-4 Outline Communications AutoTuning Online Diagnostics Adaptive Tuning Simulation
1-5 Communication INTUNE can communicate via DDE (dynamic data exchange) or OPC (OLE for Process Control) to any control system which includes a DDE or OPC server. INTUNE also supports direct communication drivers (developed by ControlSoft) to Allen- Bradley, Modicon and Siemens-TI family of PLCs.
1-6 Auto Tuning PID Auto Tuning... involves conducting a step tuning test on your PID loops in either open-loop or closed-loop mode. Auto-tuning tests can be completely automated to trigger on a click of a button or run in a semi-automated mode. INTUNE collects process data, analyzes and identifies a model representing the true process dynamics.
1-7 This is an example of an output step test in manual mode (open- loop) for a non-integrating process. A first order model is developed using deadtime, response time and gain.
Upon completion of a test, the software opens a separate analysis window presenting the results. The model parameters are presented with correlation statistics. The optimum PID values are generated based on user defined tuning priorities. This trend compares the software generated process dynamic model versus the measured data.
1-9 Online Diagnostics Control Loop Diagnostics Watch PID control loops run in automatic mode and detect tuning problems. Logs and reports vital process information to maintenance personnel.
1-10 How do the process loops track the setpoint? The bar graph displays the error distribution. Do you get the benefit of automatic control? Was the process designed properly? Process Variable and Control Output statistics show whether your process and control loops are well designed and functioning properly. What events happened to your process over the past week? All process events are logged in easy-to-read format.
1-11 Adaptive Tuning Adaptive Tuning (and intelligent Self-Tuning) …passively monitors the process in normal operations. Recommends changes in PID tuning based on loop diagnostics report – Advisory Mode Automatically download recommended PID changes – Automatic Mode or Self-Tuning Mode
The software behaves like an expert control system operator tweaking PID values to continuously keep a loop fine tuned. Safety nets are provided for mission critical applications through user defined constraints. In Adaptive Tuning mode The process comes under control. The recommendations and changes are logged. The quality of control improves. In Adaptive Tuning mode The process comes under control. In Adaptive Tuning mode The process comes under control. The recommendations and changes are logged.
1-13 Simulation Process Control Loop Simulation Test control strategies off-line. Predict the performance of your PID control loops in either single or cascade configurations. Automatically uploads the process models.
Configuration screen Single Loop or Cascade Loop Simulation. Input a flexible 5 point setpoint profile. Mix noise on the sensor feedback. Simulate load disturbances.
1-15 INTUNE instantly displays the effects of the selected tuning parameters. Compare the performance of different PID parameters and find the best set of values for your operations.
1-16 Tuning Benefits Easy to use Reduces Tuning Time Eliminates Trial & Error Tuning Generates Optimal PID Values Process Benefits Reduces Process Fluctuations Increases Product Quality and Consistency Reduces Product Waste Reduces Startup Time Reduces Wear and Tear on the Control Valves INTUNE Most advanced software available for loop tuning and diagnostics INTUNE can pay for itself in days by saving engineering time and reducing energy waste while generating more on-spec product.
5387 Avion Park Drive Highland Heights, Ohio INTUNE Overview For more information, contact us… …or try our INTUNE PID Loop Tuning Software Special Offer