Nutrients Rich in Nutrients Photo-chemicals, Vitamins and Minerals Carbohydrates Low in Fats Low in Cholesterol Low in Sodium
Special notes: Vitamin A Vitamin A (retinol) Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Mango Protects against infections, helps night vision, healthy skin and linings
Vitamin C Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Strawberries, Kiwi, Pineapple, all Citrus, Watermelon, Tomatoes, Peppers Tissue repair (cartilage, bones, teeth) Forming of protein called collagen Wound healing Antioxidant effects
Vitamin – folic acid Folic Acid – B6 Oranges, orange juice, papaya, passion fruit, mango, pineapple, pomegranate, raspberries, strawberries 100% reduction of certain NTD (neural tube defect) or risk of birth defects…
Minerals Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium Bananas, strawberries, dried varieties, so many to list….. Protect and strengthen bones and teeth and many other functions blood to bone…
Fiber Normalizes bowel movements. Helps maintain bowel integrity and health. Lowers blood cholesterol levels. Helps control blood sugar levels. Aids in weight loss. Uncertain effects on colorectal cancer…
Ways to purchase: Fresh from market Frozen Canned Dried Juice
Types of Fruit Drupes……………….PITS Pomes………………..Seeds Citrus Berries Melon Tropical
Selection for Buying Heavy for size Appropriate for color Firm to touch Not withered, wrinkled or discolored Clean, shiny, smooth No varmint – bugs, droppings…. TREAT GENTLY
Storing Room temperature for short-term; (must use quickly as ripening continues.) Apples, oranges, melons, grapes, bananas, mangos, kiwi, lemon/limes, etc. Dry storage in a COOL, DRY, DARK place Apples Canned products, including jams & jellies, will keep for ~ 1 year in ideal conditions
Storing cont’d Refrigerator Keep in crispers that provide moisture control Use within a few days to couple of weeks Do not wash until ready to use.
Storing cont’d Freezers 0* F Keep frozen products FROZEN – store or home preserved… Use within 6 months for best quality; may keep for 1 year plus…
Washing/Serving Wash just prior to use: drain well to remove standing water Natural barriers keep vegetables protected Wash and scrub surfaces if edible skins are to be consumed Peel, pare, rip or cut into desired sizes and shapes
Enzymatic Browning Enzymes in fruit (which are proteins) and oxygen (O2) in air combine causing a reaction. Surface of fruit turns brown Makes unappetizing: can be slowed or stopped with an acid such as Vitamin C ( high acidic fruit juice, or ascorbic acid powder)
Cooking Improves and maintains; Nutrients Texture Color Flavor
Cooking Methods???? All methods can be used!!!!