September Accountability & Quality Update All Enrollments, transfers and withdrawals (HB 13 and HB 155) 1st Year ELL Testing Exception –BOG 3 and Read-to-Achieve Only EVAAS Accounts Swift K-12 MCS ESSA FAQ Records Request - Elementary Bog 3-in-progress. Any days lost to weather will be applied upon our return to school. No EOG Scores for Math. Aug 2019. Test will likely be unavailable for Summer School. Middle All NCFEs/MCFEs/EOGS are administered online. No EOG Scores for Math. Aug 2019. Test will likely be unavailable for Summer School High No NC Math I and NC Math 3 scores. Aug 2019. Test will likely be unavailable for Summer School. Secondary staff need to have a conversation about the local 25% rule. The State will allow us to not apply the rule, this year for both courses. Fall Testing-All Online NC Test Browser/NC Education Accounts Technology Plan-Before, During and After (Security) Test Plans EVAAS -Homebound Students- When a teacher of record (PowerSchool) is NOT the homebound teacher, the Teacher of Record claims 50% of instruction and Homebound Teacher claims 0%. The student is under claimed. If the homebound teacher is the teacher of record, the teacher should claim 100% of instruction or per PowerSchool enrollment. Online courses taken for full credit must have a licensed teacher assigned and instructional responsibility is 50%, when the course is available.
Diversity & Inclusion • Dream Builders Communication-MGES, EMS, WMS, WMHS, & EMHS-DBC providing walk-throughs and meeting with Principals this week. Urban and Rural Education Institute- MLA, MCEC, Troy, Page St, Star, Candor, and GRES, will have an external monitoring visit using the Equitable Practices Checklist tool between November 13-14. Oct 2nd- ¼ EPC submitted via email to Takeda LeGrand 1 Restorative Justice Practice submitted via email to Takeda LeGrand 2018-19 Meetings August-October, Required Goal Team Meeting (Goal Team Leads will send members an invitation.) November, 15, 2018, 3:30-4:30, West Middle School, D&I Taskforce Meeting March 13, 2019, 3:30-4:30, Montgomery Community College, D&I Taskforce Meeting May, 15, 2019, 3:30-4:30, Montgomery County Schools, D&I Taskforce Meeting School-level Representative Role-Attend meetings, share information with Admin team, SIT, IF, and DLC, and bring ideas, suggestions, and celebrations to the D&I Taskforce. D&I Weekly Tips- Weekly cabinet notes. Please share.
PowerSchool/Testing Service Delivery Model Support Process Teacher Principal Central Office Data Manager Mr. Smith LeGrand Response Expectations Acknowledgement and next steps within 24 business hours Solution or email from Mr. Smith OR Takeda LeGrand within 48 business hours Rare occasions require a response within two hours- report card day, interim report day, emergency Swift K12 messages, emergency transportation, Executive Cabinet requests Please share this information with your staffs. June 30, 2019 is our final deadline
Question, Answer & Comment Session