PAH Treatment
Introduction: Combination Therapy in the Treatment of PAH
3 Major Pathways Depicting the Pathophysiology of PAH
Different Agents Target Different Vasomotor Pathways in PAH
Combination Pharmacotherapy in PAH: Rationale and Potential Clinical Benefits
Complementary Pathways for the Treatment of PAH
Significantly Reduced Outcomes Significantly Reduced Outcomes* With Monotherapy vs Combination Therapy†
Combination Therapy Trials for the Treatment of PAH: A Summary
Different Combination Strategies for the Treatment of PAH
Initial/Upfront Use of Combination Therapy in PAH: The AMBITION Trial
Different Combination Strategies for the Treatment of PAH (cont)
AMBITION*: Significant Improvement in Outcomes With Initial Ambrisentan + Tadalafil
PATENT-1*: Significant Improvement In Exercise Capacity With Add-On Riociguat
SERAPHIN*: Significant Improvement in Outcomes With Add-On Macitentan
COMPASS-2*: Adding Bosentan to Stable Sildenafil Did Not Delay Time to First Morbidity/Mortality Event
Sildenafil + Bosentan: A Combination to Avoid?
Safety and Efficacy of Sildenafil When Added on to Bosentan
ERS/ESC Evidence-Based Treatment Algorithm for Patients With PAH
ESC/ERS Recommendations for Sequential Drug Combination Therapy for PAH
ESC/ERS Recommendations for Initial Combination Therapy*
Evidence-Based Combination Therapy for PAH Treatment
Case Example: 51-Year-Old Woman With IPAH
PAH Treatment
18 Months Later
Case Take-Home Points
Practical Guidance Regarding Combination Therapy
Risk Assessment in Patients With PAH
Concluding Remarks