Genus-level genomic OTU (gOTU) richness. Genus-level genomic OTU (gOTU) richness. The genome-wide similarity score (SG) cutoff for clustering was set to 0.15 (i.e., viral-genus-level cutoff). The EVGs and RVGs were clustered together, and subsets of the EVGs and RVGs were then constructed by extracting each member. (A) Rarefaction curves for the number of gOTUs. Rarefaction curves are presented with shading representing 95% confidence intervals obtained from 100 bootstrap replicates using the R package iNEXT (107). Dashed curves represent extrapolations to 5,000 genome sequences. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of genomes and gOTUs. Chao1 richness estimates for the EVGs and RVGs are indicated. (B) Proportions of genus-level gOTU clusters. Colors represent the following cluster categories: EVG-only clusters (red), RVG-only clusters (blue), and shared clusters (gray). Yosuke Nishimura et al. mSphere 2017; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00359-16