Simplifying Square Roots
Irrational Numbers Radical numbers are typically irrational numbers (unless they simplify to an integer). Our calculator gives: But the decimal will go on forever because it is an irrational number. For the exact answer just use: Some radicals can be simplified similar to simplifying a fraction.
Radical Product Property ONLY when a≥0 and b≥0
The square of whole numbers. Perfect Squares The square of whole numbers. 1 , 4 , 9 , 16 , 25 , 36 , 49 , 64 , 81 , 100 , 121, 144 , 169 , 196 , 225, etc
Simplifying Square Roots Check if the square root is a whole number Find the biggest perfect square (4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64) that divides the number in the root Rewrite the number in the root as a product Simplify by taking the square root of the perfect square and putting it outside the root CHECK! Note: A square root can not be simplified if there is no perfect square that divides it. Just leave it alone. ex: √15 , √21, and √17
Simplifying Square Roots Write the following as a radical (square root) in simplest form: Simplify. 36 is the biggest perfect square that divides 72. Rewrite the square root as a product of roots. Ignore the 5 multiplication until the end.
Simplifying Square Roots Simplify these radicals:
Adding and Subtracting Radicals Simplify the expressions: Always simplify a radical first. Treat the square roots as variables, then combine like terms ONLY.
Fractions and Radicals Simplify the expressions: There is nothing to simplify because the square root is simplified and every term in the fraction can not be divided by 10. Make sure to simplify the fraction.
Radical Quotient Property ONLY when a≥0 and b>0
The Square Root of a Fraction Write the following as a radical (square root) in simplest form: Take the square root of the numerator and the denominator Simplify.
Rationalizing a Denominator The denominator of a fraction can not contain a radical. To rationalize the denominator (rewriting a fraction so the bottom is a rational number) multiply by the same radical. Simplify the following expressions:
WARNING In general: For Example: Not Equal