INFS 522 – Computer Systems Concepts Lectures – 2 Hours Labs – 2 Hours INFS 280 Textbook: Operating System Concepts, 7th Edition Abraham Silberschatz, Yale University , Peter Baer Galvin, Corporate Technologies Greg Gagne, Westminster College,ISBN: 978-0-471-69466-31 Alternate Book: Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton, McGraw-Hill Technology Education, 5th edition 1
Course logistics and details Homework and Assignments 2 assignments : 2 written homeworks in the term / student The first should be handed out at midterm; The second at the end of the term Late homeworks will not be accepted One ppt presentation + handout for each chapter 2
Course logistics and details Seminars 2 Seminars : One typed report (of 3 to 4 pages maximum) One presentation of 15 to 20 minutes Presentation will be scheduled tracking the course progression Logistic : One ppt presentation + handout for each chapter 3
INFS 522 Grading Policy Assignements - 10% 2 written homeworks each worth 5% of the final grade. Midterm (2 exams) - 20% of the final grade Seminars (2 Seminars) - 30% of the final grade Lab Exams (2 exams) – 20% of the final grade Final exam - 40% of the final grade 4
Lecture Schedule Week 2 : System Resources Week 3 : Basic Operating System Concepts Week 4: Communicating with Operating Systems Week 5,6 : Networking and Network Protocols Week 7,8 : E-commerce environment Week 9,10 : Computer Security 5
Lecture Schedule Week 11,12 : Information Systems Development – Latest Updates Week 13,14 : Introduction to Grid Computing Week 15: Introduction to Gloud Computing Week 16 : General Review Week 17 : Final Exam 6