Welcome, Parents! Fantastic 5th Grade!
Classroom Schedule 7:20 - 7:50 7:20 - 7:50 Morning routine, attendance, copy homework 7:50-9:50 Block One 9:50-10:20 Resource 10:20-12:15 Block Two 12:15-12:45 Recess 12:45-1:15 Lunch (Howard 12:45, Slater 12:50) 1:15-1:30 Writing 1:30-1:55 Power Up 2:00 Announcements 2:05 2:10 Safety Patrols/Daycare Dismissal Bus/Parent Pick Up Dismissal Classroom Schedule This is what a typical day in our classrooms look like.
Reading (Ms. Howard) Incorporating focus skills into novels and short stories Glen Allen Reads (G.A.R.) – a Glen Allen reading incentive program where students can earn points based on minutes read at home and can redeem those points for prizes at the end of the month 30 minutes whole group reading – skill is taught 3 twenty minute rotations – skill is applied Meet with teacher Technology Independent work Silent Read The student’s reading level will be assessed throughout the year to measure growth in accuracy, comprehension, and fluency. I will be contacting parents, if needed, in regards to how to help your child’s reading growth at home.
Math (Ms. Slater) Prime & Composite; odd & Even Computation Order of Operations Number Patterns Decimals Fractions Probability Stem & Leaf/ line graphs Mean, Median, Mode, Range Variables Measuring angles Classifying triangles Plane figures Measurement Distributive Property Elapsed Time
Math 5/6 (Ms. Slater) I will be following the county pace for the first marking period. 6.5 Exponents and perfect squares 6.3 Integers and absolute values 6.7 Order of Operations (including exponents) 6.8 Decimal practical problems I will be building some links into the portal to support these lessons. I am meeting all students at their instructional level through differentiation. I am enriching and remediating all students daily. This instruction will take place in small groups. If you have a high flyer I will help them soar!!
Social Studies (Ms. Howard) 1st Nine Weeks- Henrico County (Geography, History, Economy, Government, and School System) 2nd Nine Weeks through the end of the year- Regions of the United States: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West – 50 States Competition with the whole 5th Grade at the End of the Year!!!
Science (Ms. Slater) Semester Two Matter Force and Motion Sound Semester One Rocks Weather Earth Resources Oceans Animals and Ecosystems Watershed and Water resources Cells Plant Anatomy and Processes Semester Two Matter Force and Motion Sound Scientific Method Light Electricity Solar System Earth, Moon, Sun
Writing and Word Study (Ms. Slater & Ms. Howard) Writing- Grammar skills incorporated into 5 (or more) paragraph papers Word Study- Vocabulary focus this year Understanding the meaning of the enriched vocabulary and being able to spell the words correctly are a huge asset to a student’s writing
Homework No more than 60 minutes of homework every night in 5th grade (County mandated) Math and Word study will be every night Mondays and Wednesdays could be Social Studies or Language Arts Tuesdays and Thursdays could be Science Every night 20 minutes of reading 5th Grade Homework Policy
Field Trips Math and Science Center YMCA Aquatic field trip (with Mrs. Lucas) in the early spring Rock RVA! Canal Walking tour and tour around the capital Fall Field Trip - TBD
County Wide Grading Scale Graded Papers and Grading Thursday Purple Folders- Graded papers and important PTA news will come home in the Thursday folders. Please review the graded papers and store them in a safe place at home. These are great study guides for the SOLs. Sign the folder and have your child return the empty folder on Friday. (Some papers are sent home throughout the week if needed). County Wide Grading Scale A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 65- 69 F below 65
Class DOJO Class DOJO is a management system that promotes positive behavior and helps the students set and reach individual goals. These goals help apply independence which better prepares them for middle school. The teacher gives positive points when a student exemplifies appropriate behavior and goes above and beyond to reach their daily goals. Each students’ goal, on average, is 10 points per day. Each day the points are reset. Any points below 10 is a great learning experience where the students can work to achieve their goal the following day. This does not mean they had a bad day. Parents would receive a phone call home if the student demonstrated negative behavior. Incentives are given weekly and monthly for reaching their goals.
Communication Best way to get in touch with us is via email. (Please give us 24 hours to respond.) Please visit our grade level and individual blogs regularly, important information, dates and announcements will be posted there. 5th Grade Blog: http://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/glenallen5th/
Let’s Have a Fabulous 5th Grade Year!