America Claims an Empire Chapter Ten
Guided Notes Questions Copy these into you notes. 1. Define Imperialism in your own words. 2. List the factors that shaped American imperialism. 3. Explain the economic and cultural factors that fueled the growth of American imperialism? Each question should be at least 3 sentences and use direct information from the lesson
Chapters in Brief - Overview To compete with other powers, America gains colonies overseas, although some Americans object.
American Empire Objective To understand how individuals and events moved the United States into the role of a world power
Chapter Ten – Section One Imperialism and America
American Expansionism Americans had always sought to expand the size of their nation By 1880s, many American leaders had become convinced that the US should join the imperialist powers of Europe and establish colonies overseas Imperialism: the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories Europe had been establishing colonies for centuries Africa was a prime target (only two countries – Ethiopia and Liberia - were independent) Competed in Asia (China) Guided Question: Define Imperialism in your own words.
American Expansionism Imperialism grew on most Americans (Manifest Destiny) Three Factors Fueled American Imperialism: 1. Desire for military strength 2. Wanting new markets 3. Belief in cultural superiority
Desire for Military Strength Military expansion of European powers led U.S. do the same Admiral Alfred T. Mahan urged government to build up its naval power U.S. built 9 steel-hulled cruisers between 1883 and 1890 3rd largest naval power in the world
Thirst For New Markets overproduction in the U.S. led to the view that factories needed raw materials from abroad surplus U.S. products needed to be sold in new markets Imperialists thought it was a solution to unemployment / depression
Belief in Cultural Superiority cultural factors also were used to justify imperialism Three Factors: 1. Social Darwinism philosophy “survival of the fittest” 2. belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons 3. U.S. had a “responsibility” to expand and spread Christianity and civilization to the world’s “inferior people” Guided Question: List the factors that shaped American imperialism.
The United States Acquires Alaska Seward’s Folly: 1867
The United States Acquires Alaska William Seward – Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson 1867 - U.S. bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million 2 cents an acre some though it was silly… ”Seward’s Folly” 1959 Alaska became a state
The United States Takes Hawaii
The United States Takes Hawaii Protectorate: a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power Protectorate in 1849 military naval base at Pearl Harbor in 1887 – kingdoms best port
The United States Takes Hawaii businesses organized a revolution against Queen Liliuokalani she proposed removing property requirements from voting
The United States Takes Hawaii Marines helped overthrow the Queen President Cleveland refused to consider annexation - had unsuccessfully ordered her throne restored McKinley takes over and favors annexation of Hawaii (1898) 1959 Hawaii becomes the 50th state
Guided Reading Question Explain the economic and cultural factors that fueled the growth of American imperialism?