Aka, my favorite historical character. Ever. ALEXANDER THE GREAT Aka, my favorite historical character. Ever.
PELOPONNESIAN WAR, 431 BCE Tensions rose after the Persian Wars ATHENS VS. SPARTA Plagues and Spartan prowess weakened Athens Natural disasters destroyed Athenian navy Athens surrendered in 404 BCE
macedon/macedonia Macedonians viewed themselves as Greek But, how do the Greeks view all foreigners?
PHILIP II OF MACEDON 23 years old, became King of Macedon Improved phalanx Incredible cavalry 338 BCE, began his march to conquer Greece Son Alexander helped him Killed; Alex became king
ALEXANDER’S CONQUESTS 334 BCE – Hellespont Persians warned King Darius III of Alexander… he didn’t listen 334 BCE – Granicus Alex’s 35,000 men beat Darius III’s 40,000 Alex begins his pursuit of Darius III 333 BCE – Issus Macedonians outnumbered 2 to 1 332 BCE – Conquers Egypt, crowned Pharaoh Starts naming cities Alexandria 331 BCE – Gaugamela Darius III killed by two generals 327 BCE – marches to Indus River, gets tired, turns around 326 BCE – Bucephalus dies 323 BCE – Alexander dies at Babylon, age 32