Safety at CERN La sécurité au CERN Welcome to CERN from the Safety Team! There is something wrong with this cover slide! Vanessa BANDIER, Safety Training CERN Induction Programme
Safety at CERN La sécurité au CERN Welcome to CERN from the Safety Team! I will tell you - On my cover slide which I copied from Nathalie there is already something wrong! • No it's not the translation english/french even quite often sécurité is badly translated as security. But Security is sureté or protection in french. Arash will talk later more about this in his IT Services presentation • Yes it's the physicist who is not well equipped! Vanessa BANDIER, Safety Training CERN Induction Programme
What does Safety at CERN mean? Que signifie la Sécurité au CERN? (Safety : Condition or state of being safe; Freedom from danger or hazards; Exemption from hurt, injury, or loss)
Safety Sécurité Health Santé Occupational Safety Sécurité au travail Protection against ionizing radiation Protection contre les rayonnements inonisants Environment Environnement Occupational Safety Sécurité au travail Safe Operation Sécurité d’exploitation At CERN, when we talk about safety we mean Health, Protection against ionizong radiation, Environment protection, occupational safety and safe operation
Policy & Rules | Politique et Règles Policy | Politique SAPOCO Rules | Règles As CERN has its seat in Switzerland, but is also established in France, its international legal status has been recognised by both Host States in several Agreements. These agreements grant CERN to issue rules as necessary for the exercise of its functions. CERN has defined its Policy in the matter of Safety. (The document SAPOCO sets out the Organization’s duties and authority and defines everyone’s duties, rights and resources). CERN issues where necessary Safety regulations for its own staff and property, independently of the Host States. CERN Safety Policy and Safety Rules are available on the HSE Unit Website.
Who are the Safety representatives? Quels sont les acteurs de la Sécurité?
Safety representatives | Acteurs de la Sécurité Medical Service | Service Médical Fire Brigade| Brigade du feu First Aiders | Secouristes TSO | TSO Territorial Safety Officer HSE Unit | Unité HSE This illustrates the 5 main safety representatives. It’s not an exhaustive list.
Safety Engineering & Environment Services Ingénierie & Environnement 1- HSE Unit | L’Unité HSE Safety Engineering & Environment Services Ingénierie & Environnement Radiation Protection Radioprotection Radioactive sources, materials and wastes Sources, matériels et déchets radioactifs Environment Protection Protection de l’Environnement General Safety Sécurité Générale Monitoring Surveillance Operational Radiation Protection Radioprotection Opérationnelle The HSE Unit is the driving force behind the CERN Safety Policy. A corporate and preventive Safety culture is promoted. The mission of he HSE Unit is to support the Organization in the implementation and enforcement of its Safety Policy, to monitor the implementation and accomplishment of Safety objectives aimed at a continuous improvement of safe working and operating conditions as well as environmental protection, grant Safety clearance on behalf of the Director-General for special equipment, installations, experiments and projects with major Safety implications. The HSE Unit provides support to all part of the Organization. The activities of the SEE Group cover the conventional aspects of the Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection. The RP Group ensures that all personnel on the CERN sites and the public are protected from potentially harmful effects of ionizing radiation linked to CERN activities. «Support, monitor, grant Safety clearance…»
2- Fire Brigade | Brigade du feu «To protect the life … from fire and other threats» The Fire Brigade mandate is to protect the life and ensure the safety of all CERN personnel, contractors, visitors and users from fire and other threats. They also provide emergency ambulance care due to accident or illness. In case of fire, accident, any medical emergencies or pollution, please call the Fire Brigade at 7 44 44, 24 7. Please remain calm and wait for instructions from the Fire Brigade.
3- Medical Service | Service médical «To ensure the health protection of the personnel…» The role of the medical service is to ensure the health protection of the personnel To give first aid to ill or injured persons on the CERN site and in the event of an emergency (with the collaboration of the Fire Brigade). In case of non-emergency care, please contact the Medical Service Infirmary. Bldg. 57, ground floor Outside of opening hours, please contact the Fire Brigade on 74444.
4- First aiders | Secouristes People at work can suffer injury or be taken ill. It is important to give them immediate attention. It can save lives and avoid that minor injuries become major ones. Every building has at least one First Aider. Just have a look at the sticker on the door. We advise you to identify who are the first aiders of your building in the first weeks of your stay at CERN. Moreover CERN offers you the opportunity to be trained in first aid Basic course | Cours de base Refresher course | Cours de recyclage
5- TSO | Territorial Safety Officer TSO | Délégué à la Sécurité Territoriale The Territorial Safety Officer (TSO) shall oversee the conditions of Safety and good order in their area and to ensure that the relevant safety regulations and operational instructions are followed. Each building has a TSO. We advise you to go and meet the TSO of your building in the first weeks of your stay at CERN. Ask them about the emergency escape routes and the fire-fighting equipment available near your work. As I said previously, they are also other safety officers for other specific risks (such as cryogenics or flammable gaz). On you can find the list of all safety officers.
CERN Safety Representatives | Les acteurs de la Sécurité au CERN You Vous HSE Unit Unité HSE Fire Brigade Pompiers TSOs First Aiders Secouristes Supervisor Superviseur To summarize . The prevention part of Safety consists of the HSE Unit, the TSOs and the Medical Service. . The remediation part of Safety is comprised of the CERN Fire Brigade, the First-Aiders and the Medical Service. The Fire Brigade and the Medical Service do not belong to the HSE Unit, and the TSOs and First Aiders belong to different Departments, which means that Safety is not only the HSE Unit concern but is the concern of all CERN Departments and Experiments. PREVENTION REMEDIATION CORRECTIF Medical Service Service Medical
What about your supervisor? Concernant votre superviseur?
Your supervisor | Votre superviseur Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Equipements de Protection Individuelle (EPI) Prevention measures Mesures de prévention Workplace related risks Risques du lieu de travail Concerning your supervisor, he or she is your first contact in matter of Safety. When welcoming you to CERN, he or she would provide you with the tools, resources and information to help you to work safely. Do not hesitate to ask him questions. He will tell you about your workplace related risks, the preventive measures, the Personal Protective Equipment required (PPE) and your Safety training needs. Safety Training Formations Sécurité
What about you? Et vous?
What is expected from you? Qu’est-ce qu’on attend de vous ? Be aware of and follow CERN Safety Policy and Rules Connaître et respecter la Politique et Règles Sécurité du CERN Use PPEs where required Utiliser les EPIs lorsqu’ils sont requis Attend compulsory Safety Training Passer les Formations Sécurité obligatoires Always think Safety First. Act and behave safely and responsibly. You must be aware of CERN Safety Policy and Rules, available on the HSE Unit website. Always use Personal Protective Equipement where required, attend compulsory safety training and always report accidents. Report accidents Faire remonter les Accidents
1- Be aware of and follow CERN Safety Policy and Rules Connaître et respecter la Politique et les Règles de Sécurité CERN As we said at the beginning, CERN defines its Safety Policy, SAPOCO, and its safety rules. All these documents are available on the HSE Unit website. When designing, building, using, maintaining and dismantling equipment (e.g. lifting fixture, pressure vessel) or installations (e.g. electrical), follow the rules and regulations (European standards, CERN safety rules, etc.)
2- Use PPE where required Utiliser les EPI lorsqu’ils sont requis You Vous Personal Protective Equipement are available on the CERN stores catalogue, via EDH – a tool you will soon use a lot !
3- Safety Training | Formations Sécurité Compulsory | Obligatoire Basic Safety - Sécurité de base Specific risks - Risques spécifiques Underground controlled access areas - Zones souterraines à accès contrôlé Depending on risk exposure | En fonction de l’exposition au risque Radiological - Radiologique Electrical - Electrique Chemical - Chimique Etc. There are two kinds of training, e-learning and classroom courses. E-learning training is available through the SIR application ( This training is compulsory. You all have to follow the basic safety course (level 1 & 2) accessible through, and depending on your workplace, you have to follow the specific risks course and/or the underground controlled access areas course. Secondly, there are classroom courses which are available through the CERN training catalogue. Your supervisor will be able to tell you if you need to follow these courses, and it will depend on your exposure to risk.
Faire remonter les accidents 4- Report accidents Faire remonter les accidents After something has gone wrong and the worst is over…. You must report the accident: (incident, near miss, pollution) * to your supervisor * in the electronic incident reporting form. This can be difficult and the people involved often find it embarrassing, or not worth the trouble. But without reporting the accident, it could or would happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. I therefore kindly urge you to fill it in when necessary.
Professional accidents in 2012 Accidents professionnels en 2012 Falls Handling Hits & false move Road traffic Tools Others 50 40 30 20 10 60 70 Type of Accidents Let’s have a look atlast year’s accidents. Yes, at CERN unfortunately, there are also accidents. In this (really simplified) graph you can see that in 2012 Falls = same level + from height Handling = Transport + Manipulation + Treatment Hits & false move = were the largest causes of accident, from office work to worksite activities (all professional categories) Number of Accidents 18370 persons were working on the CERN site in 2012
Emergency number? Numéro d’urgence? Please remember at least one number. 7 44 44
«Safety is a priority for CERN» «La Sécurité est une priorité pour le CERN» Rolf Heuer, DG, 2012 Our DG said in 2012, «safety is a priority for CERN». As such it should be priority for you! How can you access our website ? Via safety at CERN or via DGS. Thank you for your attention. Any questions?
Thank you! Merci ! Our DG said in 2012, «safety is a priority for CERN». As such it should be priority for you! How can you access our website ? Via safety at CERN or via DGS. Thank you for your attention. Any questions?