Republicans vs. Democrats Political Deathmatch!!!!!
Republicans The First major political party Notables: Lincoln, Nixon, and Reagan Tend to: Be conservative, maintain status quo ( if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it) Supported by business Appeal to: Rural/suburban areas Midwesterners White Collar Higher educated Higher income
Republicans con. Support: Smaller federal gov. more state/local rights Controlled spending Strong crime control Strict interpretation of the Constitution Building/maintaining defense Lower taxes
Democrats Formed after the Republicans Appeal to: Notables: FDR, Kennedy, Clinton,Obama Urban Areas Blue Collar Minorities Tend to: Be liberal, Promote change Lower educated Intellectuals Supported by labor unions Young voters Catholics Lower Income
Democrats Cont Support : Bigger Federal gov. Spending more on programs Protection of civil liberties Welfare programs Gov. regulationo f business Loose interpretation of Constitution Higher Taxes for the wealthy