The Chemistry Eurobachelor ® and Euromaster An Introduction October 2006
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster2 The Tuning Project is the HE institutions answer to the political decisions underlying the Bologna process. It involves almost 150 HE institutions in 9 subject area groups; apart from chemistry, these are: physics, mathematics, history, earth sciences, business, education sciences, nursing, European studies. The chemistry Eurobachelor ® and Euromaster are products of Tuning.
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster3 ECTN is a network with over 130 members from 33 countries; apart from universities these include nine national chemical societies (DE, FR, GB, IT, NL, CS, SK, LT, SI). ECTN also exists in the form of an Association under Belgian law. Both the Network and the Association are open; further member institutions, chemical societies or other chemistry-interested organisations are welcome to join us!
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster : developed by Tuning Chemistry Subject Area Group May 2002: presented at Closing Meeting of Tuning Phase One in Brussels April 2003: adopted by ECTN Association Assembly in Prague October 2003: adopted by FECS (now EuCheMS) General Assembly (…from Cork to Vladivostok) April 2004: ECTN Association decides to offer Eurobachelor ® Label to interested institutions September 2004-June 2006: EU Commission-funded pilot project for accreditation of the Chemistry Eurobachelor ® Label The Eurobachelor ® Story
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster5 The Eurobachelor ® is about quality: defining reference points on an international basis. The Eurobachelor ® is about quality assurance: evaluation and accreditation. The Eurobachelor ® is about autonomy: not a straitjacket but a framework to be applied as the institution wishes. The Eurobachelor ® is about flexibility: it can readily be adapted as the needs of the subject change. The Eurobachelor ® is about transparency: together with the Diploma Supplement it is an easily understood qualification.
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster6 The Eurobachelor ® is based on ECTS credits and its correct application. The Eurobachelor ® is about mobility: it makes it possible for the graduate to move easily within Europe, but also almost certainly throughout the world. The Eurobachelor ® is about recognition: even if the Lisbon convention is in force, institutions need to apply it.
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster7 LENGTH OF THE FIRST CYCLE Planned or realised (as of Oct.2006): Ba = 180 ECTS Ba = 240 ECTS VARIABLE Planned or realised (as of Oct.2006): Ba = 180 ECTS Ba = 240 ECTS VARIABLE
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster8 Outcomes Define which competences a programme seeks to develop, or what its graduates should be able to know, to understand, and to do Aid to transparency Aid to the development of better-defined degrees Aid to the development of systems of recognition Aid to employability Chemistry Eurobachelor® – defined as a programme of 180 credits based on outcomes, but also applicable to institutions using 240 credits. The Chemistry Eurobachelor® A framework for a European first-cycle degree in chemistry
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster9 Learning outcomes (adapted from QAA benchmarks–UK) Modularisation Credit distribution ECTS and student workload Mobility Methods of Teaching and Learning Assessment, Grading Quality Assurance Aspects considered in the Chemistry Eurobachelor®
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster10 At least 150 of the 180 credits should deal with chemistry, physics, biology or mathematics. The course should include EITHER a bachelor thesis of 15 ECTS credits OR an equivalent industry placement. Credit distribution
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster11 Compulsory modules (total of at least 90 credits): Organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Biological chemistry Physics, Mathematics Semi-optional modules (a minimum of 3 modules - 15 credits) from: Biology Computational chemistry Chemical technology Macromolecular chemistry ….and others, depending on the institution Credit distribution
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster12 We recommend that the chemistry Eurobachelor® programme should be modular, with EITHER 5, 10, 15 OR 6, 9, 12, 15 credits per module The learning outcomes for each module should be identified The modules should be of three types: compulsory semi-optional and elective (freedom for the student is important!) Modularisation
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster13 Subject knowledge Abilities and Skills (a) Chemistry-related cognitive abilities and skills (b) Chemistry-related practical skills (c) Generic/Transferable skills OUTCOMES
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster14 OUTCOMES – SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE (1) Major aspects of chemical terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units. The major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them. The principles and procedures used in chemical analysis and the characterisation of chemical compounds. The characteristics of the different states of matter and the theories used to describe them. The principles of quantum mechanics and their application to the description of the structure and properties of atoms and molecules. The principles of thermodynamics and their applications to chemistry. The kinetics of chemical change, including catalysis; the mechanistic interpretation of chemical reactions.
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster15 OUTCOMES – SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE (2) The characteristic properties of elements and their compounds, including group relationships and trends within the Periodic Table The structural features of chemical elements and their compounds, including stereochemistry The properties of aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic and organometallic compounds The nature and behaviour of functional groups in organic molecules Major synthetic pathways in organic chemistry, involving functional group interconversions and carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation The relation between bulk properties and the properties of individual atoms and molecules, including macromolecules (both natural and man-made), polymers and other related materials The structure and reactivity of important classes of biomolecules and the chemistry of important biological processes.
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster16 Abilities and skills (a) Chemistry-related cognitive abilities and skills Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to the defined subject knowledge Ability to apply such knowledge and understanding to the solution of qualitative and quantitative problems of a familiar nature Skills in the evaluation, interpretation, and synthesis of chemical information and data Ability to recognise and implement good measurement science and practice Skills in presenting scientific material and arguments in writing and orally, to an informed audience Computational and data processing skills, relating to chemical information and data
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster17 c) Generic Skills: These are the Key to Employability of the Bachelor! The capacity to apply knowledge in practice, in particular problem-solving competences, relating to both qualitative and quantitative information. Numeracy and calculation skills, including such aspects as error analysis, order- of-magnitude estimations, and correct use of units. Information-management competences, in relation to primary and secondary information sources, including information retrieval through on-line computer searches. Ability to analyse material and synthesise concepts. The capacity to adapt to new situations and to make decisions. Information-technology skills such as word-processing and spreadsheet use, data-logging and storage, subject-related use of the Internet. Skills in planning and time management. Interpersonal skills, relating to the ability to interact with other people and to engage in team-working. Communication competences, covering both written and oral communication, in one of the major European languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish) as well as in the language of the home country. Study competences needed for continuing professional development. These will include in particular the ability to work autonomously. Ethical commitment
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster18 Assessment procedures and performance criteria (1) The assessment of student performance will be based on a combination of the following: Written examinations Oral examinations Laboratory reports Problem-solving exercises Oral presentations The Bachelor Thesis Additional factors which may be taken into account when assessing student performance may be derived from: Literature surveys and evaluations Collaborative work Preparation and displays of posters reporting thesis or other work
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster19 Assessment (2) This should involve examinations at the end of each term or semester. Comprehensive examinations are possible, but must be given credits. Written examinations will probably predominate over oral examinations. Examinations should not be overlong; 2-3 hour examinations will probably be the norm. Examination papers should if possible be marked anonymously and the student should be provided with maximum feedback, for example in the form of "model answers".
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster20 Assessment (3) Examination questions should be problem-based as far as possible; though essay-type questions may be appropriate in some cases, questions involving the reproduction of material simply learned by heart learning should be avoided as far as possible. Questions should be designed to cover the following aspects: The knowledge base Conceptual understanding Problem-solving ability Experimental and related skills Transferable skills
Quality Assurance: the Eurobachelor® Label
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster22 Supported by the European Commission (pilot project) Run by an international Label Committee First: Slimline self-assessment procedure Second: One-day site visit by 1 national and 2 international experts (at least in the pilot phase) Third: Award recommendation made by Label Committee Final decision taken by Administrative Council of ECTN Association National chemical societies and EuCheMS will play a vital role Valid for 5 years with simple renewal procedure
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster23 The Label Committee Raffaella Pagani, Madrid (chair) Terry Mitchell, Dortmund (executive secretary) Pavel Drasar, Prague Marek Frankowicz, Krákow Peter Gärtner, Vienna Gino Paolucci, Venice Janusz Ryckowski, Lublin Reiner Salzer, Dresden Evangelia Varella, Thessaloniki Kristiina Wähälä, Helsinki
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster24 The Site Visit 2 international experts 1 national expert One-day visit Discussions with institution leaders, programme coordinators, teachers, students Tour of facilities
Awards during pilot project: 30, from 20 institutions Countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands. First award: University of Helsinki
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster26 The Costs No cost to students (but they benefit!) Fees include costs for the site visit (an equal flat rate for all institutions) Fee for members of ECTN Association Fee for non-members 4.750
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster27 ECTNA has now licensed the award of the Eurobachelor ® Label to three partner organisations GermanASIINThe German accreditation agency ASIIN Royal Society of ChemistryThe Royal Society of Chemistry, UK Società di Chimica ItalianaThe Società di Chimica Italiana For details of applications to them see their websites
January 2007© 2007 Copyright ECTN Association - Eurobachelor® / Euromaster28 The Euromaster Approved by the ECTNA General Assembly 2006 Approved by EuCheMS 2006 EU pilot project for a Euromaster Label is running Apply NOW!Apply NOW! Applications close !! For details see