Easy Chair Online Conference Submission, Tracking and Distribution Process: Getting Started + Information for Reviewers AMS World Marketing Congress / Annual Conference Paper System Instruction Guide Click on play to begin show
For Reviewers This slide show will illustrate: How to set up a login for the Easy Chair system (if you have not used it with AMS before) This allows you to make submissions of your own and access papers for review at any time If you had an account for the WMC or AMS Annual Conference previously, and your email address is the same, you should see the latest conference listed in your list of conferences (no new account is needed) Introduce you to the interface that you will use to manage your reviews Access and Complete Reviews My papers Review Forms Introduce you to other screens of interest
Contents Before starting Introductory Material For Reviewers One might be tempted to say, “easychair must not be so easy if you need X number of slides to figure it out” (yes, we’ve heard that one before!). But, chances are, you don’t need all the slides, only a few. The hyperlinks below, if you are playing the slide show, may help you get to the precise information you are looking for. Introductory Material how to get account, How to log in and how to use tool bar information I’ve logged in and landed on another conference? For Reviewers Managing Papers How to Add a Review HOME
AMS General Information You can always access information about the WMC or Annual Conference pages accessed from AMS home page The AMS Home Page The link to the annual conference is here until the conference is done. Events move up chronologically. Go to the web site and click here
Conference Home Pages This page is the main interface for all conference participants. You’ll find a link to the conference management system on this page. For now, it is located just below the opening information. For many, this will be their first interface with the conference management system. Clicking here takes you to the login for the management system
If you already have an account, go to the log-in screen (step 9). Click in the link in the e-mail you will get (got) from the Program Chairs sent through the Easy Chair system – or the link on the conference page. Step 1 As a Reviewer, you will first access the conference management system through either an email link or (by the time you get the email you may already have accessed it) via the web page shown on the previous screen. If you already have an account, go to the log-in screen (step 9).
Create a user name and password Step 2 Create a user name and password In creating your account, use the same login and password that you use to login to the AMS website First time users, use the option to sign up for an account Just sign in if you already have an account
Type the two words in the box and click on continue Step 3 Type the two words in the box and click on continue Setting up the account is easy; this is probably the most difficult part (reading the words)
Step 4 Enter your name, e-mail address and click on continue
Your application is received: you will receive another e-mail Step 5 Your application is received: you will receive another e-mail This screen just provides information saying what to do if you do not receive the email indicated in the second line.
When you receive your e-mail, please click on the link Step 6
Remember to use the same ID and password as you do for AMS Step 7 Complete the form and click on create my account Remember to use the same ID and password as you do for AMS
Your account is created, now click on the link corresponding to the Congress/Conference Step 8 Note: Conference name will be listed where this slide says AMS WMC 15 (we are reusing some of these slides). HOME
Step 9 Enter your login and password and click on sign in
Now you are on the conference website Step 10 Now you are on the conference website This tool bar is the guide for most of the conference activities. Each “role” will see a different tool bar.
I’ve landed on the wrong page :-0 I’ve landed on the wrong page :-0!! Follow the instruction below and then go to the next slide. Hold the cursor over the “Easychair” tab and a list of choices should appear. Scroll down to “My conferences” and click. This is an example landing page for the , All conference landing pages will have a toolbar with Easychair as a choice. You may not see “Role Change” on your page.
After this slide, you should be able to find your way around the appropriate congress site. Find the appropriate conference and click on the associated hyperlink. That will take you to the appropriate place to begin a submission/review. It is probably toward the top of the list!
For Friendly Reviewers!! How to manage your papers? HOME
Managing Papers You received an email from the corresponding track chair inviting you to review a paper(s). You can access the paper directly from this email (without logging into the system – however, we strongly recommend logging in to complete the review interactively) Follow the instructions to “accept” the invitation, agreeing that you will provide a review. You can do this with or without logging in. Again though, we recommend logging in when you actually complete the review.
Managing Papers From here, you can access the papers assigned to you for review from “reviews” or “submissions”. Depending on your program roles, this toolbar may look more like the one below.
How to add a review? The next slides show a way to do the reviews. Other ways exist, but this way is relatively easy.
When you click on the papers assigned to you for review, you will see these options for each. The paper can be accessed here When ready to review click “submit review” Avoid the download review form as it is cumbersome
After clicking “submit review” Use this interactive form to complete the review Just below the evaluation items, two boxes appear One box is to enter comments to the author The other is to enter comments to the track chairs. In this box, you may wish to indicate if you believe the paper should be considered for an award (Fenyo – best conference paper, Darden, best marketing research paper, Hollander, best services/retailing paper). Continued on next page
Add Reviewer Comments Step 3 Click on “Add Review” to add your reviewing Provide reviewer comments for authors. You can also send remarks for committee (optional) – particularly if you believe it could be considered for an award Click submit review and you are finished – the review submitted screen will appear
Thanks for Reviewing! See you at the conference! HOME