What’s New in Time & Attendance


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Presentation transcript:

What’s New in Time & Attendance [Developer: Use this slide if you are not using audio. You can add text. If you are going to provide a printout pdf of the slides as a separate link, be sure to PDF the file with one slide per page.] This training does not include audio. To view this presentation properly, click the Slide Show icon at the bottom of your screen. Next

Course Menu To access a particular topic, click the topic name. Making Mass Changes to Employees Who Use Time & Attendance Making Mass Changes to Employees Not Yet Using Time & Attendance Changing Time Position Information for an Individual Employee Enhancements to Move to Next Period [Developer: Use this slide as the first slide in every new topic.]

Making Mass Changes to Employees Using Time & Attendance This topic will answer the following questions: What is the new mass change feature? How will this tool help me? How do I navigate to the Time Position Information page? How do I filter a list? How do I use the Time Position Edit page? Can I preview the changes? [Developer: Use this slide as the first slide in every new topic.]

What is the Mass Change Feature? There is a new mass change feature that will allow you to make changes to the fields on the Time Position Info page. You can now: Change view or edit multiple employees at one time. Preview changes before submitting. Let’s see how two practitioners will use this new feature.

How Will This Tool Help Me? Hi. I’m just back from vacation and I’ve just learned that Anthony Albright received a promotion and now I have to reassign all of his direct reports to Sam Barbato, except Charles Fager. I have to do this for multiple employees and it’s going to take me hours! Let me show you something that was just added in the latest version of Time & Attendance that’s going to really help. It’s a new mass processing feature on the Time Position Information page.

How Do I Navigate to the Time Position Information Page? First, let’s navigate to the Time Position Information page by selecting People > Employment and then clicking Time Position Information. Notice that this version of the application has a new look and feel.

The Time Position Info landing Page This is the called the landing page. Here we see multiple employees in the list, some who use Time & Attendance and others who do not. Each Time Position Info page can be set to display up to 100 employees on each page.

How Do I Filter a List? To begin the mass change, select the Using Time & Attendance filter to display only those employees who use Time. A mass change can be completed only if all the selected employees have the same status of either using or not using Time. With the filter chosen, we have a uniform list. Select the filter.

Importance of Filtering It’s a best practice to ensure we have a uniform list. As we continue, you’ll see the fields and data that require updating can be very different between employees currently using Time and employees not using Time.

Using Employee Lists Either filter can be refined further by choosing an employee list. Only Anthony Albright’s direct reports remain.

Excluding an Employee From a List Employees can be excluded from the filter by clearing the checkbox. Next, click Edit. The checkbox for Charles has been cleared so he won’t be included in the mass change. We can now click Edit.

How Do I Use the Time Position Info Edit Page? The Time Position Info (Multiple Employees) page displays. This is where we enter our updates. We refer to this as the Edit page. We need to update only the Time & Attendance Supervisor field. The asterisks have to be removed from all these pages that pages that represent changes for using TA

Can I Preview the Changes? After we select the changed Time & Attendance Supervisor to Sam Barbato, we can preview the changes to ensure accuracy.

Viewing the Preview Changes Page Review the preview before submitting final changes. In this example, all the selected employees are now reporting to Sam Barbato. Notice how changes are highlighted in yellow. After review, click Close.

Submit Changes We’re back on the Edit page and can now submit our changes. The preview looks good, so let’s submit.

Acknowledge and Finalize After submitting the changes, click Yes to acknowledge submission and then OK to return to the Edit page. Click Yes. Click OK.

Returning to the Landing Page After a successful submission, you can navigate from the Edit page to the landing page by clicking Back.

The Time Position Info Landing Page

Frequently Asked Questions Why can’t I see the values in the fields on the Edit page? You are editing more than one employee so each field could contain multiple values. The focus of the Edit page is to update fields to the new value. Can I just select employees without using a filter or employee list? Yes, as long as they are all either using Time & Attendance or not using Time & Attendance. Can I see the changes in the View Edit Audit? Yes. The View Edit Audit report reflects the changes but does not indicate which changes were a result of a mass change. Is there an “Undo” button? No. Just as in prior versions of the application, if you discover you’ve made an error, you can submit another change. Remember, you now have the opportunity to preview the changes before submitting.

Key Points to Remember Update multiple fields and multiple employees at one time with the new mass change feature. The feature will not allow a mix of employees using and not using Time & Attendance to be updated in a single event. Use filters and lists to limit the list to employees to be changed. Exclude individuals by clearing a checkbox. Preview changes prior to submitting. The Edit Audit report does not indicate which changes were a result of a mass change. Mass Assignment entries will be added to the Processor Log (UA User) to view the status of the process.

Making Mass Changes to Employees Not Using Time & Attendance This topic will answer the following questions: How can I mass change employees not using Time & Attendance? How do I navigate to the Time Position Information page? How do I use filters? How do I preview the changes? [Developer: Use this slide as the first slide in every new topic.]

How Can I Mass Change Employees Not Using Time? This is a great timesaver for reassigning supervisors. But can you help me with my new hires? I have new seasonal workers for the warehouse who don’t use Time & Attendance and I need to onboard them all. Absolutely! You are going to use the same methods I just showed you in reassigning direct reports for employees using Time. The first difference is that our filter will be for employees not using Time & Attendance.

How Do I Navigate to the Time Position Information Page? We start the same way by accessing the Time Position Info landing page from People > Employment.

How Do I Use Filters? This time, let’s select the Not Using Time & Attendance filter.

How Do I Use Employee Lists? Recall that employee lists can be used to further limit the desired results. Once the intended employees are selected, click Edit. Since we’ve already created an employee list of our warehouse workers, we’ll choose the Warehouse Hourly employee list.

Time Position Info Edit Page This is the top of the Edit page. For the Not Using Time filter, there are required fields marked with an asterisk as well as optional fields.

Time Position Info Edit Page (Continued) Notice the Starting Badge Number field. If a badge number in the sequence is already assigned, the system will skip that number. After completing the desired information, click Preview Changes.

Viewing the Preview Edit Changes Page Review the changes for accuracy. You may need to scroll to the right. Close the preview when completed and submit the changes.

Acknowledge and Finalize After submitting the changes, click yes to acknowledge submission and then OK to return to the screen. Click Yes. Click OK.

Mass Changing Time Position Information for Employees Not Using Time & Attendance That is so beneficial! I just assigned start dates, pay classes, time zones, badge numbers and several other fields to 10 employees in my Warehouse in just a couple of minutes! I love this new tool! I knew you would find this valuable for changing time position information Do you have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions Can I update employees who use and do not use Time & Attendance in one update? No. You cannot mix the two groups because, while some fields are common to both groups, others are quite different. Do I have to update all fields showing the asterisk? Yes. These are required fields. Employees who were not initially using Time & Attendance will not have certain information in the system, so information in all the required fields is needed to onboard them.

Key Points to Remember Quickly onboard new and seasonal workers not using Time & Attendance. Mass change employees who are using Time & Attendance and not using Time & Attendance in separate events. Beginning badge numbers can be entered and the system will skip any in the sequence that may already be assigned. Changes can be previewed prior to submission.

Making Time Position Information Changes to One Employee This topic will answer the question: How can I update time position information for just one employee? [Developer: Use this slide as the first slide in every new topic.]

How Do I Update Time Position Information for Just One Employee? Charles Fager is the only direct report not being assigned to Sam Barbato. He’ll be reporting to Don East. How do I change just his information? You can update Charles just like you did prior to the new mass change feature. The only difference will be how you navigate to Charles’ individual Time Position Info page.

Selecting an Individual Employee From the Time Position Info landing page, select the checkbox next to the employee’s name. Filters and employee lists can be used to limit the available names. After selecting the employee, click Edit.

The Individual Employee Time Position Information Page This page is very similar to what you’ve seen in your prior ADP Workforce Now version. You can change any available field. Select the new supervisor, Don East, and submit.

The Individual Employee Time Position Information Page (Continued) After submitting changes, a confirmation message displays. Select the link to return to the Time Position Information landing page.

Key Points to Remember Changes to the individual Time Position Information page are made in a manner similar to the prior version. Access the individual page by selecting the checkbox next to an individual employee’s name.

What’s New for Move to Next Period? Practitioners will now be able to receive the following status messages related to Move to Next Period: Move to Next Period in progress. Move to Next Period is successful. Move to Next Period has failed. To retry, click Done and then click Move to Next Period. Move to Next Period has failed. Contact ADP Support for assistance. The initial pilot will be very limited and include only selected clients.

Move Process UI Feature Flag Move Process UI Feature Flag Defaults Default for new WFN8 client is On. Default for WFN71x to WFN8 Upgrade is Off. Default for WFN2 to WFN8 Migration is Off. When pilot is successful, all upgrades and migrations defaults will be changed to be On. Exact dates when clients will have feature activated is TBD.

In Progress and Success Messages In Progress status message. Move is Successful message.

Move to Next Period Failed – Retry Message If the failure is a result of the system timing out, the user will be asked to try again, eliminating a call to support.

Move to Next Period Failed – Call Support Message If the failure is a result of a critical error, the user will be prompted to call ADP Support for assistance.

Key Points to Remember If the Move to Next Period failure was a result of a timeout issue, the user will be prompted to try again. If the Move to Next Period is a critical failure, the user will be immediately prompted to call ADP Service. New defaults are available for the Move Process UI Feature Flag.