Welcome to A2 Psychology Students who missed the test on Thursday 10th will need to come to rooms 37 & 38 on Thursday 17th
Things you need and things you need to know for this year…
Green progress cards: record and reflect on your progress for each assessment Tick off when you have completed your flashcards for each section. No grades this year Please fill in the top section. Don’t forget to write your AS UMS marks underneath your AS grade and tick whether or not you are re-sitting.
Coding sheets: Your teacher will use the numbers on this sheet (1- 9) when marking your timed essays, you will use these to understand what problems there might be with your essay and how you could go about solving these. A2 year planner
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DIRT TIME Directed Independent Reflective Teaching Please get your aggression essays out.
How to write a good A01 section
How much should I write? To get the full 8 AO1 marks, AQA advise that you write for around 200 words for AO1 You may be able to write more than this in 10 minutes, but 200 words is enough to write. If you are writing about two theories, you do not have to write an equal amount for each. AQA are clear that you can have more (say two thirds) on one theory and one third on the other. Do think about this before you begin to write you answer since it vital that you only spend 10 minutes on AO1.
7-8 marks – really good! Is about 200 words (or more). The information is relevant to the theory and has all the main points about the theory that are given in the worksheet (or most of the points if two theories are given). These points are explained clearly and would make sense to someone who hadn’t studied Psychology. 5-6 marks – pretty good The answer has most of the main points included, and is at least 150 words long, but a couple of bits may be missing. There may be one or two things that are not quite correct. It is mostly written clearly. 3-4 marks - OK The answer is not very detailed. There are a couple of points which correctly relate to the theory, but they are not explained very well. It may be hard for someone who has not studied Psychology to understand the explanation. There may be information that is not accurate or irrelevant. 1-2 marks - poor Very brief answer, or a longer answer that is mostly incorrect or irrelevant. To get a mark or two, there must be at least one correct elaborated point, or a couple of brief points. 0 marks – terrible! Answer has no correct or relevant information
Tips to get the most marks for AO1 1. Make sure your description is clear and coherent. TIP: Get someone to read your AO1 section. It doesn’t matter if they know anything about Psychology, they should be able to understand what you are describing! 2. Make sure you are describing the correct theory/study. TIP: Organise your notes and revise the theories and studies regularly! 3. Write in detail and use psychological terminology. TIP: Use your packs and notes to help you with this. This is quite subjective however bare in mind that the exam board expects you to write 200 words.
DIRT TIME In pairs read through the example AO1 answers and write down reasons as to why the answers were awarded different marks using the mark scheme. Now… read your own AO1 section of your essay and based on the discussion we have just had, write on your essay: Which criteria from the mark scheme you think you have achieved One way you think you could improve your AO1 section.
How good is your evaluation? Have you included an IDA point? You should have explained why it is an issue for this explanation and why it matters (so what?) Have you included precise research findings that are clearly explained? Remember that the procedures of the study will not gain credit when evaluating an explanation, so they should be kept to a minimum Have you grounded the research findings to the theory? Have you included a discussion of strengths or flaws in the research (optional). If so, these should be linked back to how they affect support for the theory Have you included wider evaluation points? E.g. is the research socially sensitive? Does the theory have any useful applications? Is it stronger than weaker than other theories? (These points should be properly explained to gain credit)
DIRT TIME In pairs read through the example evaluation answers and write down reasons as to why the answers were awarded different marks using the mark scheme. Read the model answer. In pairs whilst referring back to the evaluation points, discuss what you think is good about the essay. Read you own evaluation and highlight the A01, IDA and A02 sections of your essay Write on your essay two ways you could improve your evaluation
Please leave your essay on my desk as you leave Please leave your essay on my desk as you leave. For those of you who have not completed the essay. Hand it in to reception by Thursday 17th before 12.30 p.m