Kabuki Theatre
Who What Kabuki Theatre was created by a shrine maiden from Izumo Shrine by the name of Okuni. Tokugawa Shogunate were also very important in the Kabuki movement. They were the ones who banned women from performing. Kabuki is a traditional type of dance-drama theater. Some defining characteristics of Kabuki theatre are its outstanding colors, dynamic dancing, and exciting storylines.
Faces Of Kabuki
When Where Kabuki was found in the 17th century. However, Kabuki focused on grand historical events or the everyday life of people in the Edo period (1600-1868). The Kabuki theatre originated in Japan & is now currently performed throughout the world.
Plays Of Kabuki
How Why Kabuki plays are usually very long, consist of many acts, and use a number of instruments. One of the main difference between Kabuki and other theatrical styles is that in Kabuki all the characters are played by men. Another major difference is that Kabuki plays have incorporated different techniques from other theatrical types foregoing it. The Kabuki style’s development was influence heavily by both the Japanese society and government of the Edo period Kabuki theatre is important because it keeps the Japanese artistic tradition alive.
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