11 Latin America Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES QUIT Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Main Ideas What you will learn in this chapter Summary Summary of the chapter GeoGame Test your geographic knowledge by playing the GeoGame.
11 Latin America • Chapter Main Ideas TODAY’S ISSUES HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Main Ideas Section 1: Rain Forest Resources MAP As the rain forests are destroyed, the quality of life on Earth is threatened. • Special-interest groups make competing demands on the resources of the rain forest. continued . . .
11 Latin America • Chapter Main Ideas TODAY’S ISSUES HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Main Ideas Section 2: Giving Citizens a Voice The success of Latin American democracies depends on political, economic, and social reforms. • Despite obstacles, democracy is beginning to succeed in Latin America.
11 Latin America Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES QUIT Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Main Ideas What you will learn in this chapter Summary Summary of the chapter GeoGame Test your geographic knowledge by playing the GeoGame.
11 Latin America Rain Forest Resources Chapter Summary TODAY’S ISSUES HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Summary Rain Forest Resources There are a number of competing demands on the resources of the rain forest. Farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, the timber industry, and pharmaceutical companies all have their own interests in the rain forests of the region. Intelligent management and development of the rain forests depend on careful balancing of these competing interests. continued . . .
11 Latin America Giving Citizens a Voice Chapter Summary HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Summary Giving Citizens a Voice After a long struggle to overcome the legacy of colonialism, most countries in Latin America are struggling toward more democratic forms of government. Political stability and economic progress often go hand in hand.
11 Latin America Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES QUIT Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY Main Ideas What you will learn in this chapter Summary Summary of the chapter GeoGame Test your geographic knowledge by playing the GeoGame.
Giving Citizens a Voice 11 HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame challenge! Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 5 points Places & Terms 10 points Rain Forest Resources 10 points Giving Citizens a Voice 20 points Geographic Challenge
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 1. Why is the biodiversity of the rain forest important? The plant and animal life of the rain forest might lead to new medicines or other discoveries that will improve lives. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 2. What are some examples of the kinds of trees being harvested in the rain forest? Tropical hardwoods such as mahogany and cedar are being harvested. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 3. What is one byproduct of slash-and-burn clearing of the rain forest that is harming the atmosphere? Carbon dioxide is harming the atmosphere. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 4. Why is it in the interest of governments to participate in debt-for-nature swaps? Such swaps reduce government debt. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 5. From where does the caudillo gain support? The caudillo gains support from the military, the wealthy, and sometimes the people. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 6. Who benefits from land reform? Land-poor peasant farmers benefit from land reform. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 7. Is the biodiversity of the region increasing or decreasing? Biodiversity is decreasing, although the rate of decrease may be slowing. continued . . .
11 Latin America Places & Terms (5 points each) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Places & Terms (5 points each) 8. In a debt-for-nature swap, what does the government agree to do? The government agrees to protect part of its rain forest.
Giving Citizens a Voice 11 HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame challenge! Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 5 points Places & Terms 10 points Rain Forest Resources 10 points Giving Citizens a Voice 20 points Geographic Challenge
11 Latin America Rain Forest Resources (10 points each) Chapter HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Rain Forest Resources (10 points each) 1. Why is the rain forest an important global resource? It helps to clean the atmosphere, regulate climate, and shelter many species. continued . . .
11 Latin America Rain Forest Resources (10 points each) Chapter HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Rain Forest Resources (10 points each) 2. What are some of the reasons the rain forest is being cleared? to harvest timber, clear farmland, clear grazing land for livestock, provide room for population growth continued . . .
11 Latin America Rain Forest Resources (10 points each) Chapter HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Rain Forest Resources (10 points each) 3. What is one mission of the grassroots organizations in the rain forest? to observe development projects, educate people, and mount protests
Giving Citizens a Voice 11 HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame challenge! Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 5 points Places & Terms 10 points Rain Forest Resources 10 points Giving Citizens a Voice 20 points Geographic Challenge
11 Latin America Giving Citizens a Voice (10 points each) Chapter HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Giving Citizens a Voice (10 points each) 1. Who are some democratically elected leaders in the region? Vicente Fox in Mexico and Marta Suplicy on Brazil continued . . .
11 Latin America Giving Citizens a Voice (10 points each) Chapter HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Giving Citizens a Voice (10 points each) 2. What are some of the elements upon which democracy depends? free and fair elections, citizen participation, majority rule, minority rights, constitutional freedoms, equal rights, educated population continued . . .
11 Latin America Giving Citizens a Voice (10 points each) Chapter HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Giving Citizens a Voice (10 points each) 3. What sorts of reforms are essential to stable democracy in the region? Political reform, economic reform, and land reform are essential to stable democracies.
Giving Citizens a Voice 11 HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame challenge! Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 5 points Places & Terms 10 points Rain Forest Resources 10 points Giving Citizens a Voice 20 points Geographic Challenge
11 Latin America Geographic Challenge (20 points) Chapter GeoGame HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame GeoGame Home Geographic Challenge (20 points) 1. How might the development of the region’s resources be connected to the gap between rich and poor? There are pressures to develop and exploit the resources of the region in order to promote economic prosperity.
Giving Citizens a Voice 11 HOME Chapter TODAY’S ISSUES Latin America UNIT ATLAS CASE STUDY GeoGame Review what you’ve learned in this chapter with the GeoGame challenge! Choose a category. Answer the question and keep score of the points you earn. Click “GeoGame Home” to choose a different category. 5 points Places & Terms 10 points Rain Forest Resources 10 points Giving Citizens a Voice 20 points Geographic Challenge