MS. BULLOCK 8TH GRADE SCIENCE LESSON PLANS Week of April 16-20 * Lessons Plans are subject to change to teacher’s discretion
Announcements Types of Waves Quiz, Monday, April 16 (Can use one side on a 3x5 index card) Waves and Light Units Assessment Wednesday, April 25 Optional Homework Assignment: PASS Review Crossword: Will be given out April; 20th and due April 27- I will not accept it after April 27 SC Ready Science Monday, April 30
Monday, April 16, 2018 Standard: 8.P.3A.1 Construct explanations of the relationship between matter and energy based on the characteristics of mechanical and light waves. 8.P.3A.2 Develop and use models to exemplify the basic properties of waves (including frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed). 8.P.3A.4 Analyze and interpret data to describe the behavior of mechanical waves as they intersect. Objective: SWBAT Review concepts of Types of Waves and Characteristics/Properties of Waves. Classwork: Warm up: Getting to Know Literacy Connection 3rd and 4th- Turn in Waves Stations work; Types of Wave Quiz; Review Waves Video Clip; Lights Vocab. Words #1-10 6th and 7th- Turn in Waves Stations work; Types of Wave Quiz; Review Stations; Lights Vocab. Words #1-10 Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018 Standard: Objective: SWBAT illustrate part of the eye and explain optic function; investigate light and color properties Classwork: Review Waves Stations Warm up: DE Introduction Light Energy Pass out Homework Waves Worksheet due Friday, April 20 Light Energy and Sight Stations Day 1 of 3(All Light Energy Stations work due in class Friday, April 20th) Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25. Waves Review Homework due, April 27th Friday
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Standard: Objective: SWBAT illustrate part of the eye and explain optic function; investigate light and color properties Classwork: Warm up: Review Wave Behaviors Light Energy and Sight Stations Day 2 of 3 (All Light Energy Stations work due in class Friday, April 20th) Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25.
Thursday, April 19, 2018 Standard: Objective: SWBAT illustrate part of the eye and explain optic function; investigate light and color properties Classwork: Warm up: Review Wave Properties and Types Light Energy and Sight Stations Day 3 of 3 (All Light Energy Stations work due in class Friday, April 20th) Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25.
Friday, April 20, 2018 Standard: Objective: SWBAT illustrate part of the eye and explain optic function; investigate light and color properties; review Waves and Light Energy concepts. Classwork: Warm up Light Energy and Sight Stations Due Sound Through Matter Lab Demonstration Waves and Light Study Guide Homework: Study Waves Vocabulary and Notes; Study Light and Eye Vocabulary and Notes; Waves and Light Assessment Wednesday, April 25. Finish Waves and Light Study Guide due Monday, April 23