Financial Performance 2013/14 Robert Mackie, Director of Finance
Achievement of Financial Statutory Duties Target Achievement Explanation Breakeven The Trust achieved an overall year end surplus of £2.9m an additional £0.6m above plan Remain within the Capital Resource Limit The Trust underspent its capital resource limit by £1k Remain within the External Financial Limit The Trust remained within its cash allowance for the financial year Capital Cost Absorption rate (3.5%) The Trust achieved 3.5% against the capital cost absorption rate Pay 95% of valid invoices within 30 days of receipt BPPC compliance rate of 99% for 2013/14
Total Income £172.3m The main categories: Patient related income £165.7m Non-patient care services to other bodies £1.5m Education and Training £3.4m Other miscellaneous income £1.7m
Total expenditure £172.1m Main components: Salaries & wages £129.4m (75.1%) Clinical supplies & services £17.4m (10.1%) Other non pay costs* £19.0m (11.1%) Capital Charges £3.6m (2.1%) Fixed asset impairment £2.7m (1.6%) * includes services from other NHS and Non-NHS bodies, heat, light, cleaning & transport.
Non Statutory Achievements Trust Cost Improvement Programme Full recurrent delivery of the £7.7m plan £15.7m of recurrent savings during the last 2 years £5.6m Investment in the Capital Programme £1.3m on Estate Strategy Implementation £1.2m on New Haven (opened July 2013) £1.1m Refurbishments & Care Environments £1.1m Backlog Maintenance £0.9m IT & Equipment Replacement
External Audit Opinion Unqualified audit opinion on financial statements No significant weaknesses in internal control Proper arrangements in place to secure Value For Money (VFM) Challenging how the organisation secures economy, efficiency and effectiveness Securing financial resilience