Starter of the day Pick up a starter paper. On the piece of paper write down the following things or answers. When are you allowed to ask to use the restroom? When are you allowed to have your cell phones out and in use? Where can you find reminders of the procedures in this class? What is one thing you need to have every day? Draw in the negative space an image of your favorite thing in the whole world.
Contour line & poetry lesson Art B Day 2 Contour line & poetry lesson
Agenda Go over what we did last time Go over procedures for demonstrations & work time. Work for 20 minutes on your contour line work than turn in. Brainstorm objects, people, and emotions that we could draw and write a poem about. Your brainstorming sheet will be your ticket out of class
Last time We went over the procedures for this classroom and handed out the disclosure statement. We had a tour of the classroom and learned what we will be doing in this class. If you were not here last time it is your responsibility to ask the students around you for the information and where to find it. You are still responsible for the assignments from last time and will have to put in time after school or during study hall in order to make up the daily points.
Procedures for whole group instruction Conversation – voice level 0 Help – raise hand and wait quietly Activity – teacher directed instruction Movement – remain in your seat at all times Participation – active listening, taking notes, share, and respond when asked to. Success
Electronic device signal During this time electronic Devices are prohibited. This means cell phones should be put away Headphones should be out and down (not even around you neck). Eyes should be on the teacher not looking down unless to take a note about something.
What is a contour line Demonstration A contour line can be external (the outside) or internal (the inside). We will be drawing a little of both. On each table you will see a serious of objects. You will have 2 minutes at each table to draw. You will have 5 drawings of external contour line drawings and 5 drawings of internal contour line drawings by the end of this process.
Ticket out of class You should have 10 drawings in contour line 5 of witch are only external contour and 5 that show internal contour. You will have a list of at least 10 things, people, emotions, or ideas for the contour line drawing you will start next time.