Planning Tools
Henry Gantt Henry Gantt, AB, ME (1861 – 1919) was an American engineer and famous management consultant who is best known for his planning methodology (Gantt Chart, 1910). This methodology helped him realize major infrastructure projects including the construction of the Hoover Dam in the United States.
In this lesson: Essential Question: Lesson Objective: Closing Task: How will planning tools help with projects in engineering design? Lesson Objective: We will learn about basic gantt charts and critical path charts. Closing Task: I will work in a group (2-3) to create a gantt chart.
Gantt Chart Example
Gantt Chart Appearance A Chart provides a good understanding of the different activities that that run alongside or in succession of each other in a project. The more complicated the project, the more complicated this planning tool looks. The Chart becomes more complicated especially when the dependency between the different activities increases. The so-called ‘milestones; indicate important reference points when certain activities need to have been completed. By using symbols, colours and a simple index, even the most complicated Chart will become easy to read.
Turn and talk Turn to a partner and discuss the visualization of the gantt chart and what it tells you.
Modern Use The Gantt Chart has kept abreast of time and is no longer written out on large pieces of paper by hand. Nowadays, there are complex computer programmes that are based on the classical Gantt Chart. From simple Excel files to advanced project management software in which it is possible to calculate to the minute when a project will be finished.
Advantages of Gantt Charts A good and clearly readable chart gives both a clear overview of the progress of a project and provides clarity for the employees. They can monitor the progress of a project and the various activities and sub-tasks independently so that they will know exactly where obstacles present themselves. Consequently, the chart is also used as a management tool. The fact that other users can also examine the planning is also considered to be a great advantage of the electronic Gantt Chart.
Gantt Chart Explained
What Is Critical Path? The longest sequence of tasks that determine the project schedule. CPM, also called “critical path analysis,” is a project management technique that involves: Listing all the tasks required to complete a project Estimating the duration of those tasks Determining the relationship, or dependency, between each task Identifying the “critical” tasks driving the project timeline
Critical Path
Group Exercise (2-3 max) You are to create a gantt chart for an event such as thanksgiving dinner, a cook out, a birthday party, or whatever you wish. Title the chart with your event. You must have at least 10 events total Be detailed (for example, if you’re cooking wings then you must show step for making the wing sauce).