API 17H ROV/ROT Interfaces January, 2017
API 17H TEAM MEMBERS Name Company E-mail Charles White DORiS Inc cwhite@doris-inc.com Andy Lee FMC Andy.lee@fmcti.com Brian Skeels Brian.skeels@fmcti.com Karl Schnakenburg BHP Karl.Schnakenburg@BHPBilliton.com David Marchetti Schilling dmarchetti88@yahoo.com Erich Luzi Statoil Luzi@statoil.com Tim Goggins Cobalt International Tim.goggins@cobaltintl.com Eirik Kloster Jacobsen Blue Logic ekj@bluelogic.no Aiyueh.Kwan BP Aiyueh.Kwan@bp.com Peter Moles Oceaneering pmoles@oceaneering.com
BACKGROUND API 17H 2nd edition was published in June 2013 API 17M was withdrawn and replace with API 17H Errata to correct hot stab drawings issued January 2014 SRRR was submitted and accepted for the 3rd edition of API 17H and 17TR15
CURRENT STATUS Historically the hotstab drawings have been donated to API Use the drawings as provided without making any design changes to the design Drawings do not use a common approach for stab/receptacle alignment seal squeeze/location panel clearance requirements datum for dimensioning Misinterpretation of the drawings and a number of inquiries to the taskgroup
CURRENT STATUS Inquiries related to 2nd edition hotstab drawings received Released Errata to correct Figure 20 January 2014 Agreed to issue 17TR15 to correct hotstab drawings Technical report 17TR15 passed comment ballot Comments were incorporated into 17TR15
CURRENT STATUS 17TR15 (published 29 Dec) Normalize the drawings Clarify the intent of the drawings as interface drawings Adopt new strategy to control the receptacle dimensions Allow freedom to innovate male hotstab designs while maintaining subsea interchangeability Document common hotstab designs Includes large bore / high flow hotstabs
CURRENT STATUS Contents of technical report have been incorporated into the 3rd edition API 17H Contents of Deepstar AUV document have been incorporated into the 3rd edition API 17H Working draft version of the 3rd edition API 17H is currently with the taskgroup for comment
CURRENT STATUS Focus areas for the 3rd edition are: Incorporate content from 17TR15 Incorporate content from Deepstar AUV Document Incorporate comments from 17TR15 ballot Incorporate comments from the 2nd edition ballot Clarification of quality requirements
NEXT STEPS Complete ballot draft of 3rd edition API 17H Issue 3rd edition for comment ballot Incorporate comments from comment ballot Issue 3rd edition of API 17H