Warm up #1 Replace O, G, and H with numerals to make a true equation. Use the first three counting numbers. (1,2,3) OH +OH GO
homework 21²= 441 22²= 23²= 529 24²= 576 25²=
Warm up #7 Replace O, G, and H with numerals to make a true equation. 23 +23 92
Project #1 You are to create a table showing all perfect squares from 1 through 25 for a fourth grader. Your table is to be half of a poster board. Your poster board must be white . You may use colors in the design. Remember this is for a fourth grader to help learn their perfect squares.
Make 100 by using six number 9s. Copy- Warm up #2 Make 100 by using six number 9s.
Write your name, today’s date and your period at the top of your paper Write your name, today’s date and your period at the top of your paper. Number your paper from 1 thur 20.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 1. All homework and class work must be completed and turned in _______.
2.Math must be completed in ________ unless other wise stated.
3. Mr. Henyard will not accept late assignments unless you are ______.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 4. The bell does not _______ me, Mr. Henyard does! I must not get up out of my _____ until Mr. Henyard gives me permission.
5. If your ____ is not on your desk when I come by to check, it will not be accepted.
6.Math must be completed in ________ unless other wise stated.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 7.Before Leaving – I must clean my area and make sure I did not leave _______ near my desk.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 8.Talking – Mr. Henyard will let me know when I am ___________. When given permission to talk, I must stop talking at the _________.
9. When given permission to ___, I must stop _____ at the proper signal.
10. Cheating will only CHEAT ME, so I understand that I must always do my best and I will not rely on anyone else in class for ______.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 11. Noise Level – When Mr. Henyard’s hand goes up, I must _____ my mouth and await on instructions.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 12.Emergency – If I have an emergency, I need to immediately let Mr. Henyard know by raising my ____. If that attempt is not successful, then I may ____ and ___ towards him.
13.Cheating will only CHEAT ME, so I understand that I must always do my best and I will not rely on anyone else in class for the ______.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 14. If we should have a guest in our room, I must continue to do my ______ and follow classroom procedures and rules.
15.Homework should be placed on your ______ after you are seated.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 16.Intercom – When the intercom is on, I will not ____ and _____carefully to the announcements.
17.You must turn in all assignments missed within ________.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 18.If someone is speaking to Mr. Henyard in the hall or over the intercom, I will remain ___ and continue to do my _______.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 19.Pencil sharpener- Pencils are to be sharpened during the ________ of class.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES TEST 20. To leave your seat/restroom-I must ______.