e-Commission Communication Towards the e-Commission : Implementation Strategy 2001 -2005 (Actions 7, 8 and 9 of the Reform Paper)
FRAMEWORK Reform White Paper 2000 e-Europe Action Plan 2001 (Feira European Council) : Exploit new technologies to make information as accessible as possible Member States should provide generalised electronic access to basic public services by 2003 e- Europe Action Plan 2002 e -Commission Communication : Implementation Strategy 2001 - 2005
REFORM WHITE PAPER AREAS OF ACTION Definition of a strategy to ensure an optimum use of ICT and communication networks Meeting users needs both internally and externally Propose changes to the public procurement legal framework to allow the use of electronic means in all public procurement procedures and transaction
REFORM WHITE PAPER PRINCIPLE OBJECTIVES Modernisation of the Internal Administration More Efficient Communication with External Partners Better Public Services to Citizens and Business
EXAMPLES OF TODAY’S e-COMMISSION INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION SICs (Systèmes d’Information Communs) Generalization of e-mails CIS-Net : web application for inter-service consultations EuropaPlus : internal administrative information Pilot Actions DG EMPL and DG INFSO : Development of teleworking On-line purchasing of office supplies Integrated Resource Management System (IRMS)
EXAMPLES OF TODAY’S e-COMMISSION INTERACTION WiTH EXTERNAL PARTNERS Common Communication Network/Common System Interface : (CCN/CSI) Interchange of Data Between Administrations (IDA): EURES (employment) EUPHIN (healthcare) EIONET (environment), etc. Communication and management of official documents (including GREEFE 2000) Standard-based, secure networking services between administrations and European institutions(TESTA) , development and promotion of CIRCA (an internet based groupware tool)
EXAMPLES OF TODAY’S e-COMMISSION SERVING CITIZENS and BUSINESS EUROPA : Portal providing easy access to all existing information by theme, audience or across departmental boundaries ESTAT : Key portal for European statistics “Dialogue with Citizens and Business” : on line assistance “Business Feedback Mechanisme” : on line monitoring tool for the application of internal market policy Interactive services : e-mail boxes / discussion groups / chat-lines with Commissioners / forums
DELIVERING THE e-COMMISSION OBJECTIVES Improved knowledge management and sharing Collaborative and team working ( shared documents and data, compatible integrated processes and a coherent technical infrastructure) Raising level of staff productivity by provision of powerful, user-friendly, integrated tools Making available to management the requisite data for informed management decision making
DELIVERING THE e-COMMISSION Enhancing financial and resource management and internal control Simplifying core business processes, ensuring their compatibility and implementing security infrastructure needed to move from paper-based to electronic procedures Improving document management, circulation, filing and archiving Improving reliability, security and quality of documents and data
IMPROVING COMMUNICATION WITH EXTERNAL PARTNERS OBJECTIVES Ensure coherence between actions taken in collaboration with external partners (via IDA and e-Europe programmes) and actions launches for internal purposes Upgrade the server and telecommunication system to support information exchange Partnership projects: on-line document exchange / video-conferencing / web-based discussion groups / shared portals …..
BETTER PUBLIC SERVICE to CITIZENS and BUSINESS OBJECTIVES To handle all basic transactions on-line by the end of 2001 A complete review of the EUROPA service (EUROPA 2) Establish appropriate feedback mechanisms : Initiative on interactive policy making (IPM) On-line information submission
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS High-level commitment Change is a management challenge Changes in working culture End-user Training & Accompanying measures Simplification of Procedures and adaptation of working methods Secure & Interoperable ICT Infrastructure Availability of properly-trained ICT staff